The Letters

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After leaving few smoke rings on the air, I looked at the letter once again.
My hands are dying to break everything in this room.
An letter huh Trisha?

Even if I hate it, I can't stop reading the letter over and over.


I really don't know how to start.
Atfirst... Don't worry. I am fine.
If you are reading this letter, that means I am roaming around somewhere safely.
It took me few hours to figure out what should I write to you.
Atfirst I thought, I'll just leave without saying goodbye... But.. it would be cruel.
That's why I am writing this to you. I left an letter for Disha too. Please tell her come back home and read it.
I couldn't say goodbye to her as well.
Kunal...I am sorry.
You have gone through a lot because of me. I can never repay you for those times when I lost Dishant. I can never repay those days when you tolarated my ex husband's insults.
You are a true gift from God to me.
I cant live like this.
I don't want to be dependent anymore.
As you might already know, I lost Dada.
And I am not crying.
Me and Dada decided to do something and I am on it.
Goodbye Friend.
We'll meet when I'll get tired of running.
We will meet at the end of the road after we win the race of life.
And then... Let's have a cup of coffee.


I crushed the cigarette inside the ashtray. Dialled Disha's number.

Hello? Kunal?

She must've worried to death I know, but , I didn't have any answers for her questions. Now I have.

Kya hua ?? Say something...

      I can't stay quiet. should go to your house.
Ghar jaa..

Ghar? Mussoorie?

No... Your own house. Tri left a letter for you.

After a pause. She replied.....


I let out a sigh. From the first day she was my crime partner. Now I feel empty.
Everyone thinks that breakup hurts the most....
Ever lost a friend?
It's sucks.


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She started struggling with the seat belt as we reached in front of a dusty unused house.
The lock of the seat belt again stucked.

Me--" Hey hey hey.. let me ..."

I leaned over to her, unbuckled the belt and opened the door.
She jumped out from the car.

When she was unlocking the door, Me and Jyugal started observing the house.
It's almost looking like an abandoned house.
Willow bushes covered most of the front yard.
Lack of maintenance made this house look old. But still one can find the beauty of it under those dust.

Disha--" it's yours"

I didn't realized that when she opened the door and we entered in.

She gave me an white envelope.

She has an another one in her hands.
Atfirst I got confused, was about to ask her but... She started reading her letter.
I didn't want to interrupt her, so I came outside and stand next to Jyugal. He didn't entered inside the house.

Jyugal--" What's that?"

I showed him the envelope.
My name wass written on it.

Jyugal--" Go on... Read it" .

I simply nodded and opened the envelope.


If you are reading this that means you still in touch with Disha.
I am glad. Thank you. You being with her it's a best thing ever happened in our life.
I have a little confession.
You know..I hated you. When I lost Dishant, I actually hated you. I wished that you shouldn't have come in Disha's life. I tried to find the reason why Disha madly fell in love with you. So I started watching you even more ... And then...well... I am sorry. I was wrong. I realised that how stupid I was. In order to ease down my pain, I always found someone to blame.
Not anymore. I lost someone again Darshan. But this time, I am gonna fight with my emotions, alone.
Don't worry, I won't let you live in peace. No mattar wherever I'll be, it doesn't matter. I am watching you. So you better come back as soon as possible. If not, I'll find you again and drag you out , you got it?

Lastly, will you please convey a message to Jyugal?
Tell him that I was a coward. Even though my heart fluttered in front of his presence, I couldn't accepted it.
Tell him that I feel miserable knowing the fact that someone like him wants me to come back to him. I can't tell these to him. I feel shy and idiot.
Our hearts are very stupid. It trust people so blindly. Sometimes it takes years to know a person, but sometimes one day is enough to fall in love with someone.
I don't know how he feels about me but one thing is for sure that I like him. And I don't deserve him.

Be happy, All of you.


I looked at Jyugal. He was waiting patiently to know what's written on the letter.

Jyugal--" What does it say?? "

My throat went dry. I couldn't speak. Simply gave him the letter and went inside to check on Disha.
She was standing infront of picture.
It's a boy. But it took me few seconds to recognise the person.
It's definitely Dishant. He looks like the man version of Disha.
She was standing still, crumbling the letter in her hand. I held both of her shoulder gently. She started crying.
And that's how the day ended for us. Today I realised how it feels when you lose someone so dear to your heart.
All of us lost a friend, a sister , a companion.
Maybe someday we'll find her. Maybe.


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