The accident

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Ponk. POV.

I woke up to the saund of my alarm clock. I sat up and groaned, remembering that today was the day. I have to visit my family in Florida. But to get there I have to get on a plane... Great just great I hate planes. Like seriously a multi ton heavy device in the air? No thanks. But nothing can go wrong right? Right..? What are you doing Ponk no time to panic.

I jumped out of my bed and went to change..

*Time skip (brought to you by im lazy give me a minute) *

I went through security, they checked my IDs and now i'm here in the waiting room waiting for the plane to be checked and ready to fly so we can go. It's going to be a a pain, my feline shift just won't take it it doesn't like airplanes at all that's the main reason I don't like them either, as we kind of have the same likes and dislikes but of all the things I don't like airplanes, you would think it would be water since I come from a feline family but no its planes. Well I just hope nothing goes wrong it is a one in a million chances for that to happen... OK! OK! OK! I'm just starting to scare myself now.

FINALY! They called for the passengers of the flight to board the aircraft. After i got on board i sat down on my seat. And then i asked myself what could go wrong?

The aircraft took of don't worry they did show us the 'what to do incase of an emergency' I put my headphones on and listen to some music.

It wasn't so long after when all of the sudden the airplane lost all power and started falling nose down into the blue sea.

*End Flashback*

And that's how im here i guess with some other survivors that i now trust. We kinda sepereted from some other people who could of potentially been dengerus. As I was saying im here with my new friends Bad a black panther shifter, Punz a lynx shifter, Ant a fellow cat shifter and Hannah a weasel shifter. Now you might be wondering " you said that the other peaple could be potentially dengerus but there are literally a panther and a lynix in your friend group!" Well in the world where I live in we have things like enderman, skeleton, zombie, tarantula, creeper or demon shifters and not all of them are potentially nice. So yeah a dengerus world we live in. And im really sorry for all the dere-devils aout there I'm playing it sefe and saund.

We all live in a small shack that we built together almost next to a cliff side with a beautiful waterfall and a river right next to us which meant a good stock of food and water for us we ware pretty much set with our stock if you ask me. I'm just worried that a hostile hybrid might hurt us.

Hannah POV.

Ponk's has been kinda stressed out lately but the last two day's he keeps worrying can't blame him tho taking place in a horrible plane crash and then having to survive on a deserted island with low chance of survival while potentially dengerus hybrids might be walking around.

I sat up and started walking away from my rose garden and towords Ponk who was sitting next to the river watching as the bluish water flows.

I sat next to him and quietly asked him "what's wrong?"

He seamed to think for awhile before he quietly if I can listen to what wight he's carrying on his shoulders. I really didn't want to stress him out even more than he already was so I slowly nodded and replied with a quiet "yeah" he lightly signed and started-

"I've really been stressing out and being afraid that some of the other survivors from the crash might be hostile y'now what if one moment you're just trying to enjoy your day and then a phantom came aout of nowhere and attacked you. I really don't want to get hurt."

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