"Well, technically I was in front of you, so you'd be walking with me." I replied with a smirk. 

"Well, in that case, may I walk with you?" Gilbert replied with a small laugh. I looked up and noticed it started... snowing. 

"Wow." I breathed, not realizing I had said it out loud. 

"Does it not snow in the city?" Gilbert asked, confused.

"No, it snows. Just not like this. There's too many factories and street lights to be able to appreciate it." I replied. "Plus, we have fires and heaters." I added, shivering slightly. I wasn't very used to the cold. I always preferred the hotter seasons, mostly spring. Spring's when all the flowers and creatures come out. "And I left my scarf at school." I realized. How could I forget it?

"Here. Allow me." Gilbert offered, taking off his own scarf and about to give it to me.

"No, no, that's alright." I denied.

"You look freezing." Gilbert insisted. I could feel my nose and cheeks were pink from the cold, even though I had a had, coat and gloves on.

"I'll be fine. It's not a long walk home." I assured. "But, thank you for offering." I added politely. 

"Anytime." Gilbert nodded. We walked for a little longer with minimal conversation. I have to admit, it was quite awkward. 

"This is some of my family's orchard." Gilbert said, gesturing to a couple rows of dead apple trees. It was the middle of winter so obviously none of the trees were blooming. Yet still, in the freezing snow, the trees were just as beautiful as if they were bright green in the spring. 

"It's beautiful." I admired. 

"Not right now. You should see it in the spring." Gilbert replied. "Me and Bash, I live with Bash, we're planning on learning how to make all sorts of things with the apples. Marilla, the woman who adopted Anne, she's going to teach us how to bake and cook for ourselves, because at the moment, we're living off porridge and tea. Our apples are simply delicious, you must try one."

"I wouldn't doubt it." I replied with an amused smile. 

"Sorry. I rambled a bit there. I don't usually ramble." Gilbert apologized. "I guess it's just exciting, talking about the good things that are to come."

"No, don't apologize. It's good that you're passionate about something. Because when we do things we're passionate about, they tend to turn out better." I stated. 

"That's an... inspiring observation." Gilbert praised. "Well, Arabella, it was lovely to talk to you, but this is where I leave you." He said as we approached a turn off that seemed to go into the back of a farm. I haven't lived in Avonlea long, but I know that if this was the back of his farm, then the entrance to his farm was closer to school. He walked the long way. 

"Belle, please." I granted. "And it was great talking to you, too. Goodbye, Gilbert."

"Goodbye, Belle." 

Mother left early the next day to go to the Mackenzie farm. Something about a kid named Cole who hasn't been coming to school.

I got ready for the day. I wore my pink dress and white apron and did my hair like I usually do with little pink flowers threaded into it. 

I grabbed my coat, hat, bag and gloves. My scarf was still at school from the previous day. 

I walked to school and arrived fairly early. The only people there were Gilbert, Diana, Prissy, Billy, Jane and Charlie. 

"Belle, you left your scarf yesterday. I put it with my things to make sure no one else mistook it for theirs." Diana smiled, handing me my scarf. 

"Thank you." I replied, taking it and putting it with my things.

"Come sit with us." Diana offered as she sat down with Prissy and Jane. I accepted her offer and we talked until more people started showing up. 

"Hey, new girl, you got grass in your hair." Billy Andrews hollered from the boy's side of the classroom. "You been rolling around like a pig in the mud too much?" 

"They're flowers, genius. Maybe if you used that puny little brain of yours, you could figure that out." I shot back, causing the girls sitting around me to laugh. Billy's face was priceless at the fact that someone had actually stood up to him, let alone insulted him. 

I may be a pretty timid person, but I'm definitely not a doormat. If Billy feels like insulting me, by all means, insult me, I'll just insult him back. Yes, it's immature, but there's no reason to just let him walk all over me. 

I noticed Ruby dreamily gazing at something behind me. I looked over my shoulder and noticed that she was staring at Gilbert, who was sitting at the front of the classroom, studying. He noticed my glance and smiled politely with a small wave. I smiled in reply before turning back to the conversation.

"What was that?" Ruby gasped. I knitted my eyebrows in confusion. "He just... smiled at you. And waved!" 

"Gilbert? So what?" I replied with a shrug.

"Ruby's had a crush on Gilbert for years." Tilly explained quietly.

"Shh!" Ruby hushed. "Not so loud!" 

I nodded in understanding. 

"How does he know you?" Diana asked. 

"We walked the same way home yesterday." I answered. 

"He walked you home?" Ruby exclaimed. 

"No. We just happened to walk the same way." I replied.

"You can't like him. Ruby liked him first." A girl named Josie Pye stated.

"I don't like him." I chuckled in disbelief at the fact that they thought I like Gilbert.

"Well, you can't. And don't talk to him, either." Josie said sternly, crossing her arms. 

"Okay, fine, I won't like him." I replied. 

"Or talk to him." Josie added. I was about to reply when Mother walked into the building, looking flustered and down. 

"Mother, are you okay?" I asked. She merely nodded in reply as she slowly made her way into the back room of the class. I knew it was best not to bother mother when she got like that. If us Stacy women are one thing, it's stubborn. She would figure out her problems by herself. 

All of a sudden, a boy I hadn't seen before burst into the classroom and tackled Billy to the ground. 

"Cole!" Diana shouted. The one who hasn't been coming to school?

The boys grunted and tussled on the ground. 

"Stop it!" I yelled. 

"Don't hurt him!" Diana cried out. 

Moody tried jumping in, but Gilbert stopped him. Anne rushed into the classroom right before Cole pushed Billy into the fireplace, knocking his head on the hot metal. The sound of sizzling filled our ears before Billy started screaming in pain.

Prissy rushed to her brother, holding his head in her lap as he held the side of head in pain and screamed.

"Someone get a wet cloth." I demanded. Moody rushed to grab a handkerchief and poured some water over it, handing it to me. I kneeled down held it to the side of Billy's head.

Mother came out of the back room to see what all the commotion was. 

"Everybody calm down. Class is dismissed for today." She declared. Cole and Anne had run out of the room. "Let's get you home." Mother said to Billy. 

"Don't put too much pressure on it." Gilbert commented. 

Billy was okay and everyone had left for the day. Mother told me to just go home since she had to take the Andrews siblings home to explain to their parents what had happened. 

Well, that was a quick school day.

word count: 1733

a/n: hey everyone sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. hope u liked it. i made a jj maybank fic so thats on my page if u wanna check it out. if you have any suggestions or questions etc, let me know. love you all xx

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