Chapter 2

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I headed out of the Gryffindor dormitory the next day, still dressed in the orphanage uniform(what else did I have to change into?). All I heard people talk about was Harry Potter, and it was driving me crazy. I hated not knowing things.

What was so special about Harry Potter? Was it because of his scar? Did it have some weird magical properties or something? I did not know.

But I had more pressing matters to wonder about. How did I even get into Hogwarts? I'm a muggle, how was I able to even see Hogwarts in its true form?

I was frustrated that my mind kept going to wondering about Harry Potter, so to quench those questions I asked a random Gryffindor first year what was so special about him.

"How do you not know?" He said, but then I just gave him an annoyed stare. "Oh, right, muggle. Well, Harry Potter's parents were attacked by You-Know-Who-"

"Who's You-Know-Who?" I asked. "Because I certainly don't know who he is."

"All you need to know is that everyone fears him, they're all too scared to even say his name." He said quickly. "Anyway, his parents died for him by wanting to protect him from You-Know-Who when he was a baby. He used the Killing Curse on Harry, but all he got was a scar on his forehead, and You-Know-Who has been gone ever since!"

Well. The most feared wizard was brought down by a baby. No wonder everyone was whispering about him.

That helped with my questions about him, and for a while I only wondered about him when I heard the usual whispers. Soon, I was able to block them out like the rustling of wind, as if they were the sounds of a fan inside an air conditioning device.

Many Slytherins would give me contemptuous sneers as I passed, some even tripping me up. But I knew better than to do anything about it, afraid that I'd get a spell right in the chest if I did.

But one time they went too far, reminding me about my parents, the parents I knew nothing about.

"Know your place muggle! Go cry to your mum about how you wish you could do magic!" A fourth-year Slytherin girl cried, and bunch of her friends laughed. I walked past.

"Yeah, as if pure-bloods aren't going to die out eventually." I snapped, not even looking at them. They gasped in shock and anger, getting to their feet.

"That's it! Time to get a taste of magic!" She yelled, and I turned around with wide and fearful eyes. She was pointing her wand at me.


But then something weird happened. A bright red light burst from the tip of her wand towards me, and I braced for impact.

But the impact never came. The red light hit me, but I didn't feel anything.

"What?!" The girl said, and the others were surprised too. Some Gryffindors were watching as well. A whole crowd had come, wondering what the ruckus was about.

"Stupefy! Stupefy! Stupefy!"

But they all did nothing. Soon, a teacher came - that same stern woman.

"What is going on here?" She asked, as the crowd made way for her.

"Spells don't work on him, Professor McGonagall!" The girl hissed.

"Ms. Daffodil, you know better than to use spells on people, especially when they're a defenseless muggle. Ten points from Slytherin, and a detention this evening." The woman now identified as Professor McGonagall said.

There were some cheers from the Gryffindor watchers.

"And as for how spells don't work on him... come with me. Professor Dumbledore wanted to speak with you anyway." She said, directing the last part towards me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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