Chapter 2

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"Tommy, this is your room! And Tubbo, yours is right here! You share an ensuite," Phil finished the tour of their house by showing the boys their rooms, "I'll leave you two to unpack. Sorry the rooms are so empty. Like I said earlier, we only got the call last night. You guys are actually the first kids since we agreed to foster kids again."

Tommy looked at Tubbo and panicked. He was trying to separate them. He was going to keep them apart to show that he held all the power in the house. Or maybe he only wanted one of them, and he was gonna return the other the next day.

"You two can just stay in the same room, you know," Techno muttered, seeing the sheer panic on their faces, walking past them and going into his own room.

"Oh yeah of course! I didn't mean to make you think I was separating you two! It's just when Techno got here he didn't want to be around us at night, but uh, you two are brothers so I should've guessed you might've wanted to share a room. It's only got one bed right now, I'm sorry I should've asked. I can bring up an air mattress or-" Phil rambled.

"They're already gone, Dad. Stop freaking out." Wilbur laughed lightly, going into his room.

Phil looked up to see the boys were no longer standing in front of him and instead saw the door to one of the bedrooms close.

Phil sighed. He really wasn't off to a great start with them. But he was determined to show them he cared.


"I wanna leave tonight," Tubbo said.

"Hey, I was just about to say that!" Tommy laughed.

"He wants us apart. And Wilbur's a dick. I don't like any of them."

Tommy nodded.

The boys laid on the bed and discussed their escape plan for a while, getting off-topic a few times and talking about the scenery on their way there or the music Wilbur played when they tuned in for a few minutes.

"I'll bet we could use the sheets as a rope to climb out the window. It helps that we've got two sets since there's two double beds. Longer rope." Tommy said, walking over to the window to see it opened just enough for them to crawl out.

"BOYS! DINNER!" Phil called from downstairs.

"Let's do it after dinner. I'm starving." Tubbo grinned.

Phil held a few pizza boxes and laid them out on the table.

Tommy and Tubbo looked at each other, grabbing two slices of cheese each and sitting down on the opposite side of the couch that Wilbur was sitting on, eating his piece of pizza that looked to have every topping possible on it.

"You two don't really know us. So why don't we try to talk about ourselves?" Phil said, gesturing to his sons to introduce themselves.

"I'm Wilbur. I'm 17. I like music and Minecraft. And I'm really sorry about earlier, Tubbo. It's okay if you don't wanna talk. Techno didn't talk much when he first got here. I'm sorry." Wilbur said, scooting closer to Tommy.

Tommy stiffened.

"I'm Techno. I'm 19. I play Minecraft. Can that be it, Dad?" Techno asked in a monotone voice.

Everyone stared at Tommy and Tubbo, waiting for them to say something.

"I'm Tubbo. He's Tommy. We're 13. I'm 3 months older." Tubbo said quickly, staring at the floor when he realized Tommy was feeling anxious due to Wilbur's closeness to him.

"How is that even possible?" Wilbur asked.

"Different moms," Tubbo replied, leaving it at that.

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