Chapter 4

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The youngest boys came down the stairs, empty plates in hand, 20 minutes after Phil had given them their food.

"Phil?" Tommy said as he and his brother took their plates to the kitchen.

"Tommy! Tubbo! You can just leave your plates on the counter by the sink. Would it be okay if we sat down and had a little chat? I'd like to apologize." Phil said, warmly.

The boys nodded, sitting down on the couch they sat on last night after putting their plates down.

Phil took a seat in the chair the furthest from them, which the boys were relieved of.

"I'm sorry. All of yesterday I wasn't being the best version of myself, but especially last night. I crossed your boundaries. Techno and Wilbur helped me realize what I did wrong and how to be better. I'm going to talk quieter, is this volume okay? I know I spoke a little too loud yesterday, and I apologize. Last night I should have known that getting into your personal space bubble and going towards Tubbo's face was wrong, but I didn't think about that. And I'm really sorry. I hope you two can try to forgive me as I work to be the best parent I can be." Phil apologized, keeping his voice low and tried his best to smile.

Tubbo flinched slightly at his final words.

"Can I have some water, Phil?" Tubbo asked, staring at the ground.

"Of course. I'll be right back." Phil replied, getting up and going to the kitchen.

Tubbo looked at Tommy, tears beginning to form in his eyes. He glanced at the front door and before Tommy could even process what was happening, Tubbo bolted out the door. Barefoot.


This was not the plan. They had made a whole plan. After Phil's bullshit apology, they were going to ask to watch a movie. They'd ask him to leave them to watch it alone but tell him he could check in every once and a while. After one of the check-ins, Tubbo would quietly go upstairs, grab their things and their shoes, and come back down. They'd hide the things under a blanket on the couch until Phil's next check-in. Then, they'd run. They noticed how quiet the front door was when they first got there so they'd easily be able to get pretty far before he checked in and noticed they were gone. And he might just assume they went back to their room.

But this was not their plan. There wasn't time to worry about that, though. Because Tubbo was already out the door and Tommy had to catch up.

Standing up, Tommy bolted out the door after Tubbo. Him having significantly longer legs definitely helped him catch up to Tubbo faster. When he did, Tubbo just grabbed his hand and they ran into the woods.

The pair stopped for a moment, catching their breaths.

"He's not our parent. He thinks he is. He's not," Tubbo said. That explained why he ran so impulsively.

"He's full of shit," Tommy agreed.

"Sorry I didn't do the plan," Tubbo muttered.

Before Tommy could tell Tubbo it was okay, they were interrupted by a certain someone with a pink braid.

"What the hell are you two doing out here?" Techno asked, not sounding like he particularly cared, but moving one side of his headphones off of his ear.

Tommy and Tubbo looked at each other and ran off.

"Fucking hell. These kids are a nightmare." Techno thought to himself, taking off running after them. This was how he was when he first got there so he should've understood where they were coming from, but he's not that great at being empathetic, and all he knew was that they were interrupting his walk.

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