Chapter 1 *Dorm Drama*

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"Yeah, looks like I do have a roommate." She said to the person on the other line while rolling her eyes dramatically in disgust. There was a pause of her talking, most likely she was listening to what the person on the other line was saying.

"I am being nice" she commented after a few seconds putting emphasis on am. A few more seconds went by before she said "fine, goodbye love you" and hung up the phone.

"Hey, my name's Emily, sorry about that, it was just my brother" She said with her very British accent in a friendly way, unlike before. I don't want to be quick to judge her, but I still don't get the best vibe off her. Well whatever it is, we'll just have to work it out considering we will be living with each other for the rest of the school year.

"Nice to meet you Emily, I'm Isabella, but feel free to call me Bella." I greeted her. I tried to keep it short and simple because I'm not much of a social person, never the less a good talker. We chatted for a little while until we both got tired and decided to go to sleep.

The moment she turned the TV on, I knew we had a problem. I can not fall asleep if someone has a TV on. I don't know why but I just can't sleep with the light of the TV glaring in my face and the sound of the TV distracting me. I have never even had a TV in my room before so it's not even like I had the option to adjust to sleeping with the TV on.

So as we both close our eyes, I can't help myself but ask her to turn it off.

"Um... Do you really need the TV on?"

I ask gently, trying not to get in a fight or make a bad impression on my new roommate the first night here.

"Uh yeah, I actually do" she says with attitude.

I flipped over and dragged my pillow over my head mumbling strings of profanity to myself. I could still hear the TV, so I took out my itouch out, put in my ear buds, and blasted one direction into my ears.

As the song "Moments" came on, I couldn't help but blush when Harry's part came.

"If we could only have this life

For one more day

If we could only turn back time

You know I'll be

Your life

Your voice

Your reason to be

My love

My heart

Is breathing for this


In time

I'll find the words to say

Before you leave me today"

As I heard his angelic voice sing, I drifted into a deep slumber.


I woke up to a crackling noise and delicious smell coming from the corner of the room, where our microwave is located. I rub my eyes as I climb out of bed, turning off my music that seemed to still be playing through my headphones.

"Want some bacon?" She asks me politely. I swear this girl is bipolar or something. I replied back with a simple "Sure that would be great." So she handed me a piece and thank God, it was really juicy bacon just how I like it. She must like the darker pieces. That's a good thing because I love the really juicy pieces.

She strolled over to her bed, sat down, then motioned me over to sit next to her. As I walked over to sit on her bed, I noticed for the first time that she put up one direction posters. Finally, something that we can both agree on. She also unpacked all her boxes and left them in the corner. I took a look over at her little dresser and saw all her makeup. Boy does that girl have a lot of makeup. She also had an aqua blue moon chair in the corner where she kept her iMac laptop. Her family must be rich.

I sat down and we chatted for a while until she glanced over at the clock on the other side of the room and did a double check at it.

"Oh my God, I'm supposed to meet my friend in five minutes. Sorry, I'll talk to you when I get back but for now, got to go, bye."

She ran to the coat hanger, grabbed her coat, bent down, picked up her shoes, and before I could said bye, she sprinted out the door. I was all alone again.

I was watching the 5th episode of Orange is the New Black on Netflix, when I heard a knock on the door.

I leaped out of my roommate's moon chair and sprinted over to the door with excitement and wonder for who would come to my dorm room. 'Finally someone will end my loneliness' I though to myself.

I flung the door open to find a guy with dirty blonde short hair, a Dark blue South Cheshire College sweatshirt and light gray sweatpants to match on.

"Hey" he greeted me as soon as I opened the door. His accent was thick, I could tell that he must have been born here.

"Hello" I responded. He didn't say anything after I said hey, so I continued on.

"Can I help you with something?" I asked kindly. Making a first impression is everything to me.

"oh yeah, sorry. I was wondering since you're obviously new around here, Isabella, if you would like a tour of the best hangouts in town." He suggested. Was he really expecting me to just go hang out with a random dude I literlly just met not even a minute ago? I mean he's very attractive and everything, but he could be some random junky or killer and I'm not planning on getting involved with any drugs or dying anytime soon.

"How do you know my name?" I asked genially confused and little worried.

"Don't worry I'm not some creeper or anything. I'm on the welcome committee here and I was sent by the dean to welcome you to the school and show you around. My name is Jacob by the way." He explained as he extended his arm for me to shake. I shook his hand and gave him a smile. I'm guessing he's on the Dean's list, so that's good for future reference.

"Well that's nice of you Jake. I can call you Jake right? And sure, I would love a tour around here. I really don't know where anything is or where I'm ever going. Do you know If there's a Starbucks on campus?" I laughed nervously. I tend to talk fast and ask a lot of questions when I'm nervous.

"Yes, you can call me Jake, most people call me that and yes, it's about a mile up the road, we'll go there first!" he said chuckling.

He gave me a smile and I returned one back at him, but to be honest and all, even though he's cute, I don't know if I'm ready for another relationship.

I mean I'm not trying to suggest anything's going to actually happen between us. I mean we just met for Pete's sake. But After what happened with me and... never mind. I just can't date again period.

I grabbed thin white and gray glee sweatshirt off the coat hanger, slipped on my toms, grabbed my keys to the room and car, and exited the room with more questions hoping to be answered.


Author's notes

*Thanks for reading everyone! If you like it and want me to continue it, please leave comments! I 've had so much fun writing on Wattpad, please check out my page and don't be afraid to follow me or like my stories. But again thanks so much for read and again comment! <3

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Aug 05, 2014 ⏰

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