Chapter 5

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John, Mitch, Helen, Millie and little Mica were all somewhat worried though it had been two weeks, they knew that a major confrontation wasn't far away. John had been through all of the six oldest daughters, three had turned up pregnant, surprisingly Ava, Canella and Elly the first 3 hadn't, even blasting and filling Elly twice in the same day. Glory, Ida and Kelly had (though they were wanting their second turn) all would have had a second try had it not been for Glory being gone for over a week. Then come to find out that she was STILL a virgin a fact that shocked all her sisters since she had been the second most vocal about wanting John.

Thankfully though, the one time with Canella and twice in one day with Elly, had flooded Trey's system with more than enough hormones to sustain him better through the week John though was still in shock worried that these other children would be like Mica.

"No John, Mica was accelerated through both of you and the over abundance of the nanomite system in place," Helen said to reassure him, "though they will be brilliant many, many years ahead of any other children."

This made John feel a hundred times better knowing that his sisters-in-laws wouldn't have the babies talking to them scaring them half to death. The only thing left now was the fact that they had eight homicidal aliens heading for their planet and god only knew when they'd arrive.

Trey had finally spoken to John allaying any of his fears that Trey was in danger, it seemed Trey was having an even harder time adjusting than any of the first three had. Trey had liked the idea that John had come up with, something he'd thought of centuries ago but hadn't put into practical application because the situation though the same had been very different. Mitch had increased to about a sixteen year old now Helen about equivalent to a ten year old physically, Mitch's powers were greatly strengthened but he was afraid that he'd still be no match for the sun killer as he called him.

John's abilities had also increased. Mitch was surprised that John was as strong as he'd been when he'd met the sun killer all those centuries ago. John to say the least was exhausted, plus he had harvest again a week before Trey was due.

The second of the two weeks John and Barry had struggled to build the machine Trey outlined to Mitch, Trey tsking that the machine wasn't that hard to build. Helen had gone back to watch the others while they worked on it. With Mitch's increase in power he could make the trip in a minute so this really wasn't a problem. Toward the end of the second week they almost had it together when both Mitch and John felt the powerful presence of two more Triacarians fast approaching the planet.

Mitch estimated that they had three days at the most. John had been hard at work on the farm and learning the strategies that Mitch was trying to teach him, getting through the basics Mitch felt a lot better about John surviving but the sun killer was a different situation. As Mitch had found out later, the Triacarian had been the best strategist of their race. Mitch still wondered how he'd beaten the Triacariae, though one of the best of the whole planet his strategy skills weren't as high as the Triacarian.

John was hoping this idea he'd come up with would work, they couldn't afford to fail to stop the enemy. It had been almost three weeks, time was drawing near for Trey's birth or emergence as they called it and John had harvest in a few days. Things were starting to come to a head, John was hard pressed to get everything done in the next few days.

Mitch had decided to come with John to provide extra protection, both had felt the agents sniffing near John's property and didn't want to take a chance that they might actually get lucky enough to capture one of them, John, though this time was more than ready for everything that they could send at him. With the new machine finally complete and active John breathed a sigh of relief, if this went as well as he hoped, they might never have to worry again about the Triacarians or the agents again.

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