"You came to a fancy place like this and ordered glorified onion rings?"


They sat, again ordering the carmelized onions.

"You know, we look like quite the pair. Fancy museum and here we are with our basically matching outfits-" Lena said.

"I think we look great," Bucky stated matter-of- factly.

"You just have a thing for leather jackets."

"Or I just value not ripping up the skin on my arm if we were to have an accident."

"Just one arm? You don't care about the other one?"

Bucky blushed, and said sarcastically "of course both arms."

"I really doubt safety is your first concern. When you first offered to let me ride with you, you didn't even have helmets"

"Why would I need them if I never crash?"

"You exhaust me," Lena said, shaking her head. They continued their lunch, and Lena did have to admit the carmelized onions were heavenly.

Mid-mouthful her phone vibrated in her pocket.

"Hey," Lena said through a mouthful of food.

"Hey, there lovely lady, It's Shuri. How are you doing?"
"Quite excellent, thanks to you."

"Can you talk now?" Shuri asked, knowing that answering questions about superhuman powers wasn't something one could always do in public.

Lena shot a little smile at Bucky, "Covertly." He raised an eyebrow and grinned back.

Shuri laughed, "How have you been feeling since we last saw you? Have you been feeling any other side effects?"

"Just at night."

"Hmm, yeah that's probably to be expected. Just nightmares? But no losing time?"

"Yeah. And nope. Should I have been?"

"No, well, maybe. I have your phone bugged and I've been sending through the occasional frequency that should have registered to the hypnosis."


"It was just a test! But it's interesting that you don't recall any of those tests."

"Well how would I know?"

"You'd have lost time. I was searching through a lot of HYDRA files. And SHIELD files. SHIELD did you dirtier than you know. But in a covert way."

"I'm not surprised," Lena deadpanned frowning, "SHIE- they I mean, were not exactly always trustworthy."

"No they were not. But I'll let you go, that's all I wanted to know. I'll talk to you soon?"

"Sure thing," Lena said and set her phone down returning her attention to Bucky, who was leaning his chair back on two legs gazing up at the glass ceiling.

"Sorry about that."

He let the chair fall forward, "Don't worry at all. You know, I have a friend named Shuri as well?"

"Oh really?" Lena said, immediately trying to think of a way to describe Shuri that did not connect her with Wakanda.

"Yeah she's a...coworker," he said like he wasn't sure what to call her, "but definitely a friend too."

"Probably not the same person, despite the unique name, then."

"Probably not," he grinned, "But where were we, you were telling me about your mother?"

Lena grinned and leaned her elbows on the table resting her head in her hands, "She had the most beautiful smile, even in the end. Such a kind smile, never heard her say an unkind word, to anyone that was undeserving anyway."


"There are-" Lena said, pausing to rethink her wording, "plenty of classist bigots who are deserving of being told they are sons of bitches."

Bucky laughed, doubling over and slapping the table causing the silverware to rattle, "I guess that's one way to put it."

"Why is that so funny?"

"Because I always just think I'm understanding you a bit better and then you surprise me again."

"Well Mr. Buchanan, I don't think you know me at all, I certainly have no reservations against cursing out anyone, especially any anti-semitists."

Bucky blinked like he remembered something painful, but the look passed before Lena registered it. He said nothing for a couple seconds before nodding slowly, a far off look in his eyes once again.

"You said her name was Maria?" he said, eyes still looking far past Lena.

"Yes, Maria Magnolia Lierens," Lena said smiling, "She used to write poetry under M.M. Lierens." The conversation stilled between them, but Lena did not really mind, it was not something she particularly wanted to talk about anyways.

Finally Bucky said, "I would love to read some of her poetry."

Lena gave a sad smile, wishing desperately that she had poetry to share, "I would too."

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