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   (mIgHT INCLUDE SMUT.. and sorry this chapter is so long..)

      They start to hear footsteps on the 1st floor of the boat. Norton motions to Luca with his finger to stay quiet. Norton then leads Luca by his hand towards a locker and opens it for him, Luca reluctantly stepping inside. Norton then closes it just before the steps reach the top of the stairs.
The blonde is extremely fast and as Luca is peeking at Norton through the small slits in the locker he sees a yellow flash bolt by, next thing you know Mike is wrapping himself around the taller boy.
Luca feels his gut wrench and coil with disgust and he feels himself clenching his fists. Norton stares coldly at the Blonde and pushes him backwards while sneering ,"What the hell Mike?" and Mike just giggles it off and wraps his arms around him again.
Mike is clinging to the prospector and standing on his toes so he can press his lips against Norton's neck. "Norton..I've missed you so much.."
"Don't fucking tou-" Norton started to say before Mike interrupted him. "WHERE..were you?! and Naib have done most the ciphers there's only two left, and he's been kiting most the match so..what have you been doing.." Mike smiled 'innocently' while tilting his head. Norton was trying to still pry himself away and he was pissed.
"Mike..! I don't fucking care just get out of here-"
Mike laughed and rubbed his hand against the prospector's cheek. "Are you mad at me? Did I do something norton.."
Norton avoided eye contact and gripped mikes wrist, pushing it away from himself. "Yes. I know what you fucking did to Luca. and Frankly IM pissed with you." Mike's eyes got big and he whimpered "b-but..-"
"No fucking buts- you told lies and said we were dating but when did that happen? Because I don't fucking remember that happening?!" Mike suppressed his inner reaction to just start laughing so instead he let out more whimpers. "'s not my fault.." He took Norton's hands and intertwined their fingers while staring deeply into his eyes.
  Norton sighed, looking towards the locker and then back at shorter male in front of him. "We can't discuss this here- I'm not going to argue with you." Mike squeezed Norton's hands tighter as he lowered his own head and started to whisper,"its him..that boy..hah..why is he so interesting now huh.."
  Mikes face shifted in color as he relifted his head, revealing his flushed cheeks and saddened expression. Norton could only stare as he felt himself start to loose grip with this situation. Norton started pulling himself further away then about to speak "we need to-"..
  Mike reached out letting his arms wrap around the prospector's body. "I-Im sorry..don't leave me." 
Mike's voice quivered the more he spoke. Norton was about to turn around to just leave this uncomfortable situation, because he knew the longer he listened to Mike beg and cry the more he'd let his heart turn to putty and let his guiltiness take over.
  Norton refused to engage in the blondes manipulation tactics so he just mumbled "we have to go so stop crying dumbass. We aren't doing this right now."
Luca was still in the locker holding his breathe because he was incredibly scared to make any type of noise. Luca had one of his gloved hands covering his mouth and he was staring at the two cautiously. Luca had been frequently scrunching his face up in disgust and anger because Mike wouldn't keep his damn hands to himself. Throughout their conversation Luca felt himself getting hotter with jealousy and he bite the inside of his cheek as a habit.
   "Norty! I-I'm sorry I lied about us..I just couldn't control how jealous I felt when you were with others" Mike then stared at Norton and gave Norton the most innocent face he could as tears swelled, and dripped down his cheeks. In reality he's probably preformed this specific facial expression hundreds of times in a mirror.
  Norton looked away to avoid the expression the shorter was giving him. "That doesn't mean you could attack Luca you fucking..moron! Did you even consider how I'd feel if I ever found out?" Norton felt himself fill with rage and he felt his head start to pound again. Mike then held Norton's face angling it towards his own. "I'm sorry it was a mistake..! Norty please, forgive me I promise I'll never do it again! I'll even apologize to that him." Mike cried out and he stroked the taller boys cheeks, trying to be convincing enough.
  Norton then got silent, thinking about Mike's words carefully. To Norton Mike's words sounded genuine but Norton was just extremely gullible. Norton then sighed and nodded "you just have to apologize to him and mean it-"
  Mike still had tears streaming down his face as he excitedly nodded "I will Norty~ I will!"
At that moment Luca was still biting the inside of his lip and he was about to exit the locker and give Mike hell for touching Norton so frequently but then both of them gasped suddenly, which halted him.
  Norton quickly looked anxiously at the locker and then started to run off down the stairs towards the downed survivor. "I'm going to go get Naib!" He hollered and then he was gone.
  Mike stood there. Mike was standing there in the same position he was left in before Norton ran off. Luca was now fucking scared as shit as he felt so alone. Mike's face transitioned into a darkly cold dead expression. Mike started to cackle a quiet laugh, before it started expanding into a louder breathless laugh.
He was SMILING and Laughing. Mike's tears were no longer on his face instead he was running his hands through his own hair, pulling and laughing a deep aggressive laugh that could only belong to a devil. He abruptly stopped laughing and snapped his gaze towards the locker. Shit.
Luca saw another pair of eyes staring back at him.
His heart was rapidly racing and his earlier anger was replaced with intense fear that was now causing his body to uncontrollably shake. Luca was clenching his hands tighter over his own mouth as he watched the Blonde boy take a step towards him.
He..can't know he's in here..right? How could he possibly know..he can't..he couldn't have..! Luca felt his head racing with thoughts as he kept his eyes locked with this demon outside this locker.
   Before Luca could even count the seconds in his head, a flash of yellow. A gust of wind fills the locker and suddenly in front of him, both doors are swung wide open. The doors are swung open and make a loud clank sound.
  Luca feels himself shrink backwards in the locker as his eyes widened. Luca has both gloves covering his mouth, squeezing desperately over his jaw and he was shaking with fear. A forceful bang slammed against the side of his head, the loud slamming noise making his right ear ring.
  Mike is in a stance over Luca in the locker. His fist that had just connected to the wall beside the brunette boy is now dented. Mike is staring at the smaller boy in the locker with a hardened deadly expression. Luca lifts his head to look up to Mike and Mike was staring at the boy his face flushed with pure rage and his eyes burning hatred into Luca's own eyes. "ill kill you.. if you touch my norty.."
  Luca balsa couldn't handle this, he felt like he was being trapped. Luca then forcefully shoved past Mike who was acting ballistic. Luca turned and ran down the stairs, his adrenaline kicking in and making his feet kick off faster then he thought he could ever run with his braced legs. Luca turned the corner around the stairs to quick which lead to cutting his stomach through his shirt.
  "He's crazy. He's a manipulative psycho-" Luca thought to himself as he ran further away from the boat. What the fuck what the fuck is the only thing Luca could think while he stumbled into a cipher machine. Luca realized they had one cipher machine left and so he quickly tried his best to quit shaking and just to decode.
  Luca's thighs were shaking which he couldn't prevent, he did just run a great amount of distance is a short time. Luca hands were incredibly shaky as they typed on the machine. 'He threatened me.. '
Luca was midway through with the machine. 'He threatened me and Norton... ' Luca scrunched his face up and the tears he couldn't hold back managed to slip there way down his cheeks and then to drip from his chin onto his shirt.
'Should I tell Norton? No..No! No I can't because then what if Mike finds out, will he hurt me or even Norton himself? He's insane he's probably hurt norton..- I..I should probably just disassociate myself for the best..'
  Luca had started aggressively slamming his hands against the machine, causing zaps to spark around him which were provoked with anger. 'I..I just have to distance myself..yeah..' Luca's thoughts were disheveled and getting more sporadic. Which caused the brunette to get in a fetal position and clench the side of his head. He closed his eyes releasing the hot wet tears that he tried desperately to repress, him clutching his head as his chest tightened to the point he felt like he couldn't breathe.
A few minutes later
Luca had stood up finished with his mentally unstable thoughts joking around inside his head, he also was finally able to control his anger. The moment Luca readjusted himself the mercenary was knocked down once more, and so then Luca popped the final Cipher machine. Honestly it worked out greatly for the electrician because he wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. He needed to get away.
   Luca Balsa started running towards the closet gate, and in the distance he saw the tall handsome prospector working on opening the gate. Norton was consumed in opening this gate as quickly as possibly just in case the hunter comes. Norton is looking down, which lets some of his hair curve nicely around his face and his hands are pushing the buttons quickly.
  Luca is only a few yards away before Norton has successfully opened the gate and stepped inside. He turnt to stare at the brunette with a stupid smile on his face that made Luca's heart jump a bit. Norton had his hand up mid wave and Luca felt his gaze lower to his feet as he felt himself pick up the pace and walk right by the prospector.
  "Luc-" he barley even managed to say out the others name and turn before he realized Luca was completely gone. Norton was conflicted. 'Is he mad because I left him..? Why did that seem so cold..'
Norton then waited for Naib to at least get to the door, which a couple of minutes later he made it along with Mike. The hunter ,soul weaver was moving towards the door so all three boys left which caused the spider lady to let out a defeated cry and she sat down like a biscuit, admitting to her tough defeat.
It's been about 3 hours since Norton had reentered the manor after his stressful match. He had attempted to immediately find Luca but Luca was migrating in his room with a locked door so Norton wasn't able to ask him what's wrong.
  Norton was getting worried he had offended the brunette by leaving and wanting to quickly apologize but the stubborn idiot wasn't even giving him a chance! Norton was thinking he could apologize to Luca at dinner but the boy hadn't appeared yet so he'd been waiting. Norton was sat in a chair in a huge room with all the other survivors surrounding him, in the dining room is was loud from everyone either arguing, flirting, eating or just chatting.   
  Norton found himself staring at the door, waiting for something or even someone to come in. He had been fixated on the door when Norton's gaze shifted and went to Mike's own gaze. Mike was sat a few seats away but his gaze was locked with Norton's. Mike smiled his normal widened grin and then Norton turned his head away when he heard the door open.
  Luca walked in which immediately caught Norton's attention. 'He's up..! Great!' Norton felt himself getting excited with just being in the same room as Balsa. Norton watched as Luca's eyes met his and then immediately looked another direction which caused the prospector to frown. Norton let his bottom lip form a pout as he watched Luca talk to the girls for a bit, and then he took some bread and exited the room again.
  Norton stood up quickly and made his way out of the dining room. Norton saw Luca turn into a hallway which lead to a library. "Luca!" Norton called out as he jogged a bit to catch up with the brunette. "I don't want to talk right now.." he mumbled and walked into the library.
  Norton furrowed his eyebrows and gently pushed his way through the door towards the electrician. "I'm sorry I left I went to go get Naib! and then..then I went back to the ship and you weren't there so I didn't know where to go and-"
Norton came up behind Luca and hugged him. Luca tensed up and blushed lightly as he mumbled,"I said I don't want to talk okay?!"
  Norton didn't like his answer, hugging him tighter and he'd lean down to gently kiss at the brunette nape. Luca used his shoulders to push off the taller boy and he faced norton with an angry expression. "Norton you're being annoying."
Luca scoffed and turned away to walk closer to a table that was placed in the library.
  "Me annoying??" The prospector felt his eye twitch at that statement. Norton watched as Luca placed his dinner on the table and then Norton walked up behind the brunette and because Norton felt ignored he suddenly groped the others ass. Luca's reaction was cute to Norton as the shorter boy turnt around and was getting madly flustered. Luca's mouth opened and closed, probably going to tell Norton off but no words forming.
  "..You know what's annoying?"
Norton Campbell pressed himself to Luca's front and basically had him pinned against this table.
"...When you ignore me..that's so fucking annoying" The prospector harshly whispered out, causing Luca to shudder and squirm underneath him. Luca's face was beet red as he was staring into Norton's dreamy eyes and he felt his knees start to shake. Norton liked the expression Luca was giving him, it made him feel confident and he didn't think he could hold back.
  Norton was pinning Luca's wrists down while he grinding himself forwards. Luca gasped at these actions,"W-Wait..! N..Nort-" a groan interrupted him as Norton thrusted another slow yet forceful grind against Luca's ass. Norton lifted Luca onto the table while continuing to grind upwards into the smaller boy and he leaned forwards to connect their lips.
Luca was sitting on the table as the prospector in front of him was rubbing his hands all down Luca's body as he tried desperately to close the space between them. They were kissing, Norton being the dominate one while Luca moaned and whimpered from his actions. Norton's tongue pushed through Luca's lips and Luca tried to fight back for dominance to no avail. Their tongues danced and pressed together roughly, both of them moaning into the sloppily heated kiss. Norton pulled back and started attacking his partners neck with suckles and kisses. Luca was gasping and running his fingers through Norton's hair, pulling him closer. "Ahn...we can't here-.." Luca moaned as Norton started biting down against his neck. Norton grunted and whispered into Luca's ear,"..I don't care~."
Luca's ears got red and he started to grind his own hips into the prospector's hardened erection. "..Ngh.." Norton was groaning and both boys were heavily pressing themselves against one another.
Norton was kissing the shorter boy while cupping his ass and pulling him closer. Luca liked how Dominate the prospector could be, it was amusing to him~.
Luca felt Norton's hands sliding up his shirt and they both continued to rub and grind against each other, an electric spark running throughout their bodies.
"N-Norton..~" the younger boy whimpered as Norton was marking him with his lips, his hands caressing Luca's entire body, Norton's own face darkening a shade of red from hearing his name moaned so lustfully. Norton buckled his hips slamming his clothed erection against the smaller boy, pushing him further against the table. Luca gasped, feeling his back hit the table.
"mmh-..!" Norton didn't stop thrusting himself into the brunette, he was practically dry humping him and panting heavily as he did so. Luca was a moaning mess under him, letting himself look as the ceiling as the taller boy continued to push into him, Luca then let himself tilt his head to the side giving Norton more room to bite at his neck.
Luca closed his eyes, letting out high pitched whimpers as his neck was getting harshly attacked. Norton even growled and bit down which drew some blood. "Nhhh..!" Luca moaned and tugged on Norton's hair. Norton was stuffing his face into Luca's neck, leaving bruises and marks and he was panting heavily. "A..-Ah I cant..hold it.." he mumbled.
"Don't cum." Luca commanded and sat up. "Please..fuck let me-"
Norton was still trying to feel the pleasure of rubbing his heated front against Luca's crotch but Luca prevented him, by pushing him backwards and standing. Norton stumbled back a few paces, his own knees shaking and he whimpered like a dog, "L-Luca!.."
Luca got onto his feet and marched over to him, letting a sly smirk plant across his face. "What dear?~." Norton's face flustered more as he tried to keep his eyes focused on the brunette. Luca walked slowly around the prospector, sliding his hands slowly around his shoulders and then walked in front of Norton again and stroked down his chest.
"Do you want me?" Luca was staring into his eyes while smirking which revealed his singular canine lookin tooth. Norton was confused and still panting, "w..what? Duh you idiot otherwise I wouldn't be reacting like this.." Luca took his hand lowering it to Norton's belt slowly and ,giving the prospector an amused look. "Say it then~" he teasingly laughed. Norton's cheeks burned more with embarrassment as he desperately whined out,"I want you o-okay?!"
Luca snickered and he felt himself drop to his knees. "Good boy.." he mumbled out to him.
Norton felt his stomach turning as he watched the boy in front of him lower to his knees and quickly unbelt him. His bulge twitched and his entire body burned with heat at being complemented.
Luca kept giving Norton teasing glances, clearly he was amused with this whole situation. Norton whined as he felt his pants get tugged down, he was now standing in his boxers.
"Pfft-" Luca held back a laugh, Luca was snickering at his magnet covered boxers design. "S-shut up..!" Norton harshly whispered as he shoved at Luca's face. "Just get on with it already! Stop teasing-.."
Luca was palming at Nort's boxers making sure to be rough and use as much pressure as possible. Luca was pushing a finger against Nort's crotch and teasingly rubbing it while snickering. "Maaake me.." the brunette whispered. Norton was letting himself pant a little to much, his boxers dampened with pre-cum. He was squirming and whining as the brunette teased him,"L-Luuucaa.." he practically cried out.
Luca then yanked down his boxers quickly and then he grabbed Nort's cock and gave it a swift lick down his shaft. "Mmh~..!" The taller boy was panting into his hand and his cock was twitching from lack of touch. Luca licked his lips, smiling up at the prospector before hungrily swallowing his dick.
The prospector was a moaning mess, he was arching his back and gently placing his hands into Luca's hair. Luca had slipped Nort's Dick past his lips into his heated wet caverned mouth. Luca was smirking to himself because Norton's dick was big- no huge- at least it was to the prisoner. He doesn't think he's ever seen a cock this big.
"..A-Ahnn..~" the prospector's moans were bliss to his ears. Luca sped up the process by squeezing his smaller hands around Norton's lower shaft while he used his tongue to pleasure Norton's tip. Luca was staring to bob his head slowly, against Norton's long dick. "G-Gah..mmh..l-lower.." the prospector started to push Luca's head lower and his hips unintentionally thrusted forwards.
Luca growled and pushed his hips down, keeping them in place as he filled more of his mouth with Norton's cock. "F..Fuck~" Norton was tugging harder at the brunette's hair, which encouraged Luca to speed up his pace. Luca was increasing his mouth movements by bobbing his head lower and faster while sliding his tongue around the other's shaft. Norton's thighs were twitching and he was pulling and tugging at Luca's hair more which caused the smaller boy to moan which sent vibrations up Nort's cock, god he wished he could destroy his throat.
Luca was trembling on his knees so he decided to lean back, removing his mouth from Norton's hot shaft. While removing his mouth he teasingly used his tooth to snag at Norton's cock which caused an angry glare from the taller boy. "O-Ow you Fucker..!"
Luca only did it to be playful but he truly did find it enjoyable when Norton was angry with him. Luca pulled back only to adjust his sitting posture but he wasn't allowed to because Norton grabbed the side of his head and slammed his own cock back into the prisoner's throat. Luca's eyes widened with shock as he was forced to retake in the long cock which resulted in him drooling and shaking, while his knees were tremoring.
"Ngha..!~ nor-..t..!" The prospector was panting heavily above him as he gripped harshly into Luca's brown locks and started aggressively moving his hips forwards. Norton was face-fucking Luca's face while staring into Luca's half lidded expression which made him moan out and move faster.
Luca was staring dazed up at Nort, his mouth wide open as it was being violently assaulted. Hot tears were streaming down Luca's face as he suppressed the urge to gag and Norton was thrusting faster into Luca's throat. He could feel it hitting the back as his throat. "L-Luca~! I-I'm GONNA~!"
Norton held Luca's head in place as he released his white load into his mouth. "Mm..mmh..-..luca.."
Norton pulled back, and from the over stimulating he collapsed on the ground. Luca pulled his head back as Norton sat down in front of him, and Luca swallowed the cum, licking his lips. Norton blushed at Luca's dirty expression and he leaned forward to wipe some cum off his lip.
Luca licked it off his finger and moved forwards to lovingly hug the prospector. "Mm..haa..~ that was hot." Norton's face blushed more, "S-Shut.." Norton then wrapped his arms around Luca and pulled him closer onto his lap. "Do you wanna go to my room?" Slightly Panted Norton.
Luca squealed and kissed the prospector before standing up. "Yes! Let's go handsome~ I call sleeping on the right side of the bed..!" Luca then turned childishly and ran out of the Library. Norton huffed because the right side of the bed was usually HIS side. Norton smiled and reput on his missing garments before running after the cute brunette.

"Whaaat?!" Luca called from down the hall.

"I love you."

   "I hate you."

The prospector put on a fake hurt expression.

"Just kidding I love you!~"

((I'm sorryyy this was my first time Writing semi-smut and honestly it was embarrassing Jesus Christ- so if anything's weird or incorrect forgive me :((. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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