January 1, 2013

392 33 14

Big thanks to Tanner_ for editing. 

You're the only reason this is alright to read ;D


Me, your father, and Ashlee will be on a business trip for the law firm all weekend. I trust that you will maintain the house while we are away. Make sure to clean the trash from the party as well. Call if you need anything.



I roll my eyes and place the note back down on the kitchen counter. I knew they were going, and they knew I knew they were going, but I guess this is my mom’s way of a “formal goodbye.” At least they took Ashlee with them. I sigh and open the fridge to find myself some much-needed breakfast food. Deciding to take the lazy route – I didn’t feel like cleaning any pans or anything – I grab a can of peaches and scarf it down. Putting my clear bowl in the sink, I grab a garbage bag and start cleaning.

About fifty-thousand red cups, thirty popped stupidly-shaped balloons, and twenty paper plates later I lug all four bags at once into the trashcans outside. There's a nice breeze outside, and it feels good. I think about maybe waking up this early more often to have more moments like this – with nice weather – but shake the thought off. You don't get much of this weather in overly-sunny Florida.

I've lived in Florida all my life. As much as I prefer a cold, white winter, I've gotten used to the heat of the state and actually started to enjoy it. You get what you get, right? But my dream to live in New York, hopefully with Justin, hasn't faded. Not yet.

As I'm about to head back inside I see Mrs. Smith standing outside, her body turned towards me. Standing across the street, she’s talking to Tori’s mom. I can only wonder what they’re talking about.

I don’t normally see the Smith’s out front. They don’t live with the rest of the neighborhood, instead in a nice secluded house hidden by the woods behind mine. When I was little, I used to run through them with Sam. The Smith’s never minded.

Immediately after I get back inside and close the door, the nice weather gone, my home phone rings. Thinking it must be Justin since he's coming over later today, I answer excitedly. I do think it’s weird that he didn’t call my cell, though.



"Justin..?" I ask warily, looking at the caller ID.


Realizing the person on the other end isn't going to answer anytime soon I hang up, putting the phone back on its receiver.

I head for the stairs, two steps at a time, just as the phone rings again. Letting out a frustrated groan, I snatch the phone up and put it to me ear roughly. It clicks against my earring.


"Well hello to you too, babe," I hear Justin's teasing tone on the other end.

I sigh.

"Sorry I had to wake up early on a Saturday and clean the whole house by myself," I reply sarcastically.

"Well, then. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Or was it the floor? How hard did you party last night again, Ali?"

"Why are you calling?" I ask, rolling my eyes.

"I just wanted to tell you I'll be there in ten. Calm down, feisty girl."

"Oh."  I wince at the nickname. "Well, I'll see you when you get here, then. Bye," I say, hanging up the phone quickly. I like Justin, but feel weird for some reason.

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