Chapter 16 (Pic of Kata)

ابدأ من البداية

"What do you mean?" Roho asked.

"I have an idea." She replied, leaving the cave. "Grandfather!" She called for Simba.

Simba's head turned to find his granddaughter rushing towards him.

"What is it, Nama?" He asked.

"I have a plan if we go to the South Pride." Nama explained.

"What is it?" Kovu intruded into the conversation.

"Trust me on this one dad." Nama pleaded.

Everyone was silent with thought. Nama's tail twitched back and forth with anticipation, a bad habit of hers.

"Fine." Simba finally agreed. "As long as no one gets hurt." He added.

"Everyone will be fine." Nama replied, but bit down on her tongue.

"It's settled. We'll leave immediately." Simba announced. "Leah, you, Katika, and Sefu will stay behind to watch the cubs." He ordered.

"Yes, sir." Sefu replied respectfully.

"Daddy! Are you going?" Jua whimpered.

Jua ran up to her father and rubbed her head against his front paw. He leaned his head down to lick her head.

"I'll be back before you know it. Besides, you'll be in good paws." Kijivu murmured to his daughter.

"What? Mommy, daddy, you guys are leaving?" Asali gasped, running to her parents.

Nama laid down on her stomach so Asali could reach. Asali ran under Nama's snout with a tear.

"Just like Kijivu said, we'll be back before you can miss us." Nama assured, but she held back a tear.

With her plan in mind... she didn't plan on coming back. Nama pulled Asali close to her, nuzzling her tightly, as if it were the last time she'd ever see her little cub. Asali was clueless, so she had no idea that might have been the last hug she'd ever share with her mother.

"You be good while I'm gone, okay?" Nama whispered, her throat tight with sadness.

"Yes, mommy." Asali promised.

Kato and Levande embraced their cubs. Shani licked her father's snout.

"See you soon!" She mused.

"See you soon, Shani. You take good care of your sister now, Naba." Kato played with his son.

"Take good care of mommy, okay, daddy?" Naba teased his father, wanting to play the responsible adult.

"I will." Kato said with a chuckle.

Levande nuzzled with Naba and Shani with a smile.

The pride began their trek to the South Pride. Nama and Roho stayed towards the back of the group so they could speak alone.

"What's up, Nama. What's the catch with this plan of yours?" Roho inquired, sensing something wrong.

"Roho..." she whispered weakly. "the catch is that I'm not coming back." She finished, looking down at the dirt.

"What? What do you mean you're not coming back?" He hissed, half confused and half angry that she would say such a thing.

"You know your father isn't going to make a fair deal. I'm going to offer to stay there so you can stop Baridi and save the cubs." Nama murmured.

"No." Roho growled.

"Shush." Nama hushed him.

"No, don't tell me to shush, Nama. There is no way I'm letting you do that." He hissed angrily.

The Lion King: Kiara's Reignحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن