Meeting the Disables

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"Oh, it's okay," the keyboardist assured, standing back on her feet. "It was just a coincidence."

"Hitomi!" came a screechy voice, one that caused the blind girl to flinch. Guren and Shizuka looked and saw a woman in a traditional kimono approaching them, a glare plastered on her face. "What the hell are you doing, you useless girl?!" the woman demanded, slapping the blind girl, much to the other two's shock.

'The hell?!' both mentally gasped.

The woman then forced the girl up and faced the pair. "I apologize for this foolish girl's mistake. I assure you, she meant no ill intention," she calmly said. To the blind, however, she then pushed her head down in a bow and demanded, "Come on! You apologize, too!"

"S-Sorry..." Hitomi weakly apologized.

"You think they'll take a half-baked apology?!"

Having enough of the woman's treatment towards the disabled, Guren intervened. "Hey! She already apologized! There's no need to make her say it again!"

"It is the only way this useless brat can ever learn anything!"

Guren hardened her eyes in a glare then. "'Useless'?! Just because she's blind doesn't mean she's useless! She just has to learn differently!"

This made the woman turn her glare. "You dare question how I treat this child? Do you have any idea who I am?!"

"I don't give a single damn who you are! I'm telling it as I see it! And I'm pretty sure everyone else agrees with me!" As she said that, however, upon looking around, Guren noticed the people around them nervously ignoring the argument going on, some glancing or frowning at the scene.

No... It wasn't the scene they were frowning at. Guren knew the expression they all had; they were judging her. But why? She wasn't the one in the wrong this time. Shizuka herself was just as baffled with everyone's silence and ignorance. How could these people ignore this?

"'Everyone else', you say? Who exactly is this 'everyone else' you speak of? It doesn't look like anyone agree with you at all!" The woman then stopped herself and took a better look at Guren, noticing her slightly battered appearance, especially the bit of blood smeared on her sleeve. "Well, no wonder why. Who would ever believe the words of a delinquent?"

Hearing that ticked the teen off a bit. "What was that?"

"It's kids like you that makes this thing even more worthless." To the blind girl, the woman then said, "Come on. Let's go."

As she grabbed the disabled by the hand and dragged her out, another hand grabbed her's, stopping the woman in her track.

"Senpai?" Guren gasped, shocked to see her silent co-worker had stopped the adult before she did.

The mute was just as surprised, herself. At the same time, though, she was not entirely shocked. After all, the disabled girl's condition was quite like...

"Who the hell are you supposed to be?! Release me!" the woman demanded, as she roughly shook the mute's hand off her, and in turn pushed Shizuka off.

"Senpai!" Guren rushed to her aid, and glared back at the woman.

"What's with that glare, you delinquent? You better watch yourself or I'll-"

"Mother," a voice called, interrupting the woman. The group turned again and saw a girl in a wheelchair approaching them. The girl had golden brown hair with amber eyes. She had on a cream-colored button-up hoodie with short sleeves, a light pink skirt, black leggings, and orange shoes.

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