New Hire

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After a good mini-live show, a small party was going on at CiRCLE for the success. As the party went on, a new face arrived in the live house. One familiar to Shizuka.

'Wh-... Why is she here?!' she thought in shock, for the girl standing by the entrance was none other than the girl who got arrested the other day.

She wasn't the only one who recognized her, for a couple others among them also knew the girl, though gave different reactions.

"Ah! It's you, from yesterday!" Lisa gasped.

"Oh! Moca-chan and Lisa-san's savior~!" Moca sang.

Their respective bandmates turned to the pair in confusion.

"'Savior'?" Ran repeated in a questioned tone.

"You know her?" Yukina asked.

"Yukina, I told you last night. About the incident at work," Lisa told her.

"Same here. I told you girls about what happened at work yesterday," Moca said to her bandmates.

"Yesterday? ... Wait, do you mean...?" Himari trailed off.

"Hm? What's this about yesterday?" Hagumi asked, as the rest of the girls all turned their attention to the pair.

"Hmm hmm~ Listen and be amazed at the great tale of the convenience store savior~" Moca sang.

"Okay, I'm stopping you there," the suppose savior interrupted.

"Eh? But I haven't even started."

"And I rather you don't. As much as I appreciate you two sending your testimonies about what happened the other day, there's really no need to spread the incident around."

"Testimony'?" Sayo repeated.

"After she helped us with these creeps, the cops came to arrest them, and even arrested her!" Lisa informed, much to everyone's surprise.

"Huh?! How come?!" Rimi asked.

"By the time they arrived, our savior had a gun in her hand," Moca answered.

"Huh?! A gun?!" Arisa gasped out.

"Except it was not her's, but one of those creep's. She only took it out of his hand and pointed it at him," Lisa added. "Sure, from an outsider's point of view, it may look like she was the one robbing the place, but she actually saved us and stopped the real crooks! It was a good thing we went with the police to give our testimonies. You wouldn't believe the lies those creeps were telling to the police!"

Upon hearing all these things, Shizuka's view of this girl slowly changed, now that she understood the situation in full. 'What? So I only misunderstood the situation,' she thought in relief.

"Eh. I've heard worse," the girl shrugged off, baffling the others. Before anyone could say a word, she quickly said, "I rather not go into details. Don't bother asking."

"That makes us even more curious..." Misaki muttered.

Upon her words, the girl turned to her and only stared in silence.

"... W-What?" Misaki then asked.

"Ah! Is this your first time meeting Michelle?" Kokoro asked. "Michelle is Hello, Happy World's DJ and mascot member~! Ah! Now that I think about it, we should introduce ourselves! Hero-san, I am Tsurumaki Kokoro, HaroHapi's vocalist~ Nice to meet you~!"

"Eh? 'Hero-san'?" the girl repeated in a questioned tone.

"You saved Lisa and Moca from bad guys, right? Then you are a hero, aren't you? This is the first time I met a real hero~!"

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