Friendly Meetings

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The next day, in the afternoon, Shizuka and Guren were at the live house working at the cafe; the former in cooking up meals, and the latter taking and delivering orders, all while being careful with her cast, especially during lunch rush. Shizuka worried as she watched her injured coworker work, but Guren constantly assured her she was okay. The mute could only hope she was not overdoing it.

"That sure smells good," the pianist commented, in which the guitarist nodded in gratitude for. "Kind of wish I can take my break now."

Guren was standing by the counter, waiting for Shizuka to finish whipping up an order for a hungry patron. The cafe area was filled with customers, but there was no line forming, much to the pair's relief. As Shizuka was finishing up with the order she was cooking, she gestured to her arm, in which Guren noticed and caught on to what she wanted to ask.

"Hm? My arm? Like I've been telling you all day, my arm is fine," she insisted. Shizuka did not seem convinced, as she had been all day. "I swear, I'm okay. Oh, by the way, regarding the band thing, I tried asking several students in my school earlier today if they were interested in joining a band, but as you would expect, since I'm the one asking, no one bothered to give me a moment of their time."

The mute became a bit saddened to hear that.

After their return to CiRCLE the other day, a return that also resulted in Marina instantly hugging Shizuka as she was worried sick for the girl after her sudden leave, the two of them had thought of ideas as to how to get word out about their recruiting members for their band. Guren suggested asking around school, under the assumption that Shizuka will ask around whatever school she goes to into at least trying out for their band, only for the mute to turn it around somehow and convince the pianist into taking her own suggestion and ask her school instead. After all, with how busy they had been for the event, especially with how understaffed they still were, Marina may have still have yet to fill out any sort of high school application for Shizuka. It did not help that the mute was still not feeling up to looking at some schools to apply to in the first place. Though with how she was getting along with Guren, she was starting to consider Haneoka.

And of course, due to Guren's already bad reputation from the rumors going on around school, whenever she even tried to approach any one of the girls about their band, they either avoided her or 'just happened to have more important things to do'.

"We just need a drummer, a bassist, and a lead vocalist," Guren listed off to Shizuka. "Of course, you can be the vocalist if you want, but considering how you have yet to let out a sound since our session, you're better off just being a lead guitarist."

The mute could not rebut that, for she knew the pianist was right, especially from yesterday's incident. Not once, not even when she fell when that woman pushed her down, did she make a single peep since their first session. It was safe and hopeful to assume that she could at least sing, but even if Shizuka would, as far as they both were aware, her voice wouldn't come through until some time into the song.

"Well, I'm sure we can think of something later. For now, we have an event to focus on," Guren stated.

Shizuka snapped her fingers to get her attention. Guren turned to the mute, and was being handed a dish for a customer. The pianist took the meal and brought it to the patron.

As she left, Shizuka began to prepare some dishes for the vocalists inside CiRCLE. The girls had arrived since morning to work on the new song, and the mute figured they may be getting hungry from all their brainstorming. Normally, it wasn't allowed to eat in the studios, but with the lack of empty seats out at the cafe, much less an empty table, she'd feel bad to have them leave and come back. Then again, drinks were allowed in the studio, and if she made something easy that wouldn't spill, it should be okay. She'll need to ask Marina just to be sure, though.

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