Getting the Group Together

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It was early in the afternoon at Haneoka High School. In one class, some students gathered around one certain desk, getting to know one student.

"Sakura-san, where did you live before?" one student asked.

"I didn't move. I only transferred from my other school," Guren answered.

"Just a normal transfer? That's unusual. Why?" another student asked.

"Let's just say my previous school had a number of problems and leave it at that."

"That kind of makes us even more curious, though..."

"Are you interested in joining any clubs?" a different student asked.

"If I can, I would love to, but I work part-time, so I don't know if I will have time for clubs," Guren replied.

"Part-time? Where?"

That time, rather than answering, Guren saw movement from the corner of her eyes and got up from her seat. "Sorry. I have to get to that part-time related thing," she apologized. The girl then reached for Maya, who was getting up from her seat. "Yamato-san, was it? I would like to talk to you about something."

This confused the drummer of PasuPare. Not about what Guren wanted to speak to her about, but more on why she referred to her as though she didn't know her.

Guren then turned to the seat on the other side of her, where Yukina sat, working on what seemed to be lyrics. "Minato-san, too. Care to walk with us? It may help you think of some ideas for your lyrics."

This baffled the whole class. Maya was one thing, but why would a transfer student want to speak to Yukina?

"No thank you. I am fine," she turned down. While Guren wasn't wrong about a little walk to help clear her head a bit and help in making a new song, to do it with someone of one of the other bands is a bit...

"I insist. A musician needs all the help she can get," Guren spoke, grabbing Yukina by the hand. Without giving the girl any chance to even object, she then dragged the vocalist out of her seat.

"W-Wait a second! Sakura-san!" Yukina called out, only to be ignored, as Guren then dragged Maya out of the classroom as well, their baffled classmates watching them in shock.

"Now that I think about it, aren't the others here as well?" the transfer student then asked, walking down the hall with the other two in tow. "I have to talk to them about something, too."

"E-Eh? Others? Who?" Maya asked.

As if to answer the question, a voice came from one of the classrooms. "Huh? Guren? What are you doing with Yukina and Maya?" Lisa asked.

The trio looked and saw the girl in her classroom with a couple other girls, most likely friends outside the band. Not only that, Hina and Kaoru were there, the latter surrounded by some girls.

"Oh! Good timing! Imai-san, Hikawa-san, Seta-san. I want to speak to you guys, if possible," Guren said.

"Huh? Well... Okay, I guess," Lisa said, despite still being confused, as Hina and Kaoru, after convincing her 'little kittens' to part, followed her out the door.

"Before I speak, is this everyone?" Guren then asked.

"Hm? What do you mean?" Hina asked back.

"I mean 'is this every one from the bands who go to Haneoka'?"

"No, there's Ako. Though she's in the Middle School district. And Afterglow members are a year below us," Lisa answered then.

"Ah, I see. I do remember hearing something along the lines of that yesterday. A shame we can't get Ako in on this, but we can still pick up Afterglow. Now then, where are the first-years again?"

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