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Alright, uhm before we get into the story(chatfic?), here some head cannons

Seraphina when she got straight As her parents made her do online classes too, but she searches up the answers.

Arlo is still a douche... just less of one

Remi, Blyke, Isen go out a lot and sometimes meet up with John and Seraphina.

John has an irrelevant little sister who likes dress up.

Claire and John don't mind each other but prefer if the other would be gone.

John has a major sweet tooth, John about to beat the hell out of you? Sweets.

John jokingly flirts with both genders. 

Arlo can speak 4 languages.

A small head cannon:
John watch bnha( it isn't popular in their world cause heros and stuff) and he likes monoma cause of all the similarities 

Everyone decided to forget about the joker thing and john went back to being a cripple ve thought the whole school already knows he had a ability

Another notice that would be good is that my n and b key is broken, it would be hard for me to type those letters but ill try to make it work ヾ(*>v<)

Have a good day!

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