My wife?

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Taehyung was at his company room. He was working but he can't focus on it. Because he was thinking about Jisoo. Winter came into his room.

"Sir, today you have to attend only one meeting." Winter said and looked at Taehyung.

"Sir,are you hearing me? Are you ok?" Winter raised her voice a little.

"Ah. I'm ok. Winter,I want you to search someone." he said as he looked at winter .

"Ok,sir." Winter said.

Taehyung handed her Jisoo's photo which he took at the hotel but only her face. Winter took the photo and when she looked at it,she was so surprised.

"Sir, she's madam. She's your wife who you married a year ago." Winter said still looking at Jisoo's photo.

"Did I marry?So is she my wife?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes,sir. You married because of your parents's decision. But you didn't see her before. How did you see her?" Winter asked.

"You don't have to mind it. Search about her." Taehyung said.

"I have already searched a new profile a few days ago. I will bring it." Winter said.

"Go and bring it quickly." Taehyung said in a cold tone.

Winter came back quickly with a folder in her hand and gave it to Taehyung.

Winter came back quickly with a folder in her hand and gave it to Taehyung

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              Kim  Jisoo , 21 years old , Birthday: 3.1. 2000
Address: House no.(7) , Rose road, Seoul
Parents: Kim Doyoung, Lee somin
Hobbies: reading books, playing games
School: Cha university , wants to be a fashion designer

(A/N):This information isn't true. It's just a random information that I made.

"She's so beautiful." Taehyung whispered but enough for Winter to hear it.

"Yes,sir. Madam is so beautiful. But you didn't interested in her one year ago." Winter said while rolling her eyes.

"Winter, what happened? You didn't respect me today. Do you want to be fired?"Taehyung said in a cold tone.

"No,sir. Don't fired me. I broke up with my boyfriend. That's why,my mind is not good." Winter said with a sad expression.

"Ok. Work is work. Don't think about your personal stuff. Ok? Taehyung said.

"Ok,sir." Winter said.

"Where does she live?" Taehyung asked.

"She's at your mansion,sir. House NO.7 The Rose road." Winter answered.

"Ok. I will go and see her. Don't tell her about this,ok?" Taehyung said.

"Ok,sir. I won't tell anyone about this." Winter said.

Jisoo's pov
I was waking up in hotel. That man was so rough last night. My whole body was hurt. I have to take a shower.

After taking a shower;
Skip time to school;
Jisoo was at school canteen with her friends.

"Jisoo,is that a hickey?" Nayeon said while pointing Jisoo's neck.

Jisoo was surprised but she lied to Nayeon," It's a makeup. It looks like real, right?" Jisoo smiled.

"Yeah. How did you do it?" Seulgi said.

"I watched video on YouTube and I did it." Jisoo said.

"Ok." Nayeon said with a smile.

Tzuyu came with her friends.

"Oh. I get bad smells." Karina said while putting her hand in front of her nose.

"Oh. Me too. After you all coming" Seulgi said with angry eyes.

"Really? But I think that smell is from you all." Mina said with a smirk.

"I think your nose is bad." Eunwoo said as he put his book down.

"Eunwoo, Hi." Karina said with a smile.

"Should I say hi 👋?" Eunwoo said while raising one of his eyebrows.

"No need to say. I don't want to hear it." Kai said while rolling his eyes.

"Kai,you mustn't say like that to Eunwoo." Karina said with angry voice.

"Stop." Tzuyu said with angry voice.

"Unnie,I want to do something to you." Tzuyu said with a smirk.

Tzuyu went to Jisoo and poured milk on Jisoo's hair. Her friends wanted to protect her but Karina,Mina and Kai pulled them.

(A/N): Hi, sunshines. I hope you all will enjoy this chapter. I'm so sorry for my mistakes and please forgive me 🙏🙏🙏.

Thank you so much for everything. Thank you so much for the votes, adding my story and reading this.

Eat well and take care of yourself. Love you all so much,😘😘😘.

Our Jennie's mirror selfie, she's one of the queen of blackpink

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Our Jennie's mirror selfie, she's one of the queen of blackpink.💟
Bye Bye! Sunshines 💜💜💜.

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