The young male began to dance around the pole, the men starting to praise him and whistling louder as he spun around it. Illumi's flexibility was what ensured him this job and it had quickly become a main attraction amongst the usual customers.

His slim legs firmly supporting him on the pole as he hung upside down, the muscles in his thighs flexing slightly. Illumi pulled himself back up and carefully slid down into a split, the people beginning to throw money onto the stage.

The Zoldyck gracefully stood up as the song began to end and he seductively leaned against the cold metal. A sprinkler turned on above him, wetting his clothes and the white shirt he was wearing stuck to his skin. Illumi strutted to the middle of the runway, his black hair shining under the stage lights. He swept the wet hair out of his face with both of his hands before going on his knees and crawling to the end of the runway.

Illumi pulled on the tie of the middle-aged that was sitting in front of him, using it to pull their faces closer together and tracing a finger along his jaw. The teen didn't kiss him though and instead grabbed the money that was held tightly in his hand before pulling away with a smirk after noticing the man's erection.

He finally stood up and sauntered backstage, the cheering getting louder as he left. "Great show, Illumi," someone told him while handing him a towel.

"Thank you," he muttered as he began to dry his hair. The Zoldyck slowly looked up and saw the person who had handed him the towel staring at him with an intrigued yellow gaze. "Can I help you?"

The other male chuckled at his confused expression. "You're the new kid, right?" When Illumi nodded they stuck out a short-nailed hand. "Hisoka. Not that there's any need for you to introduce yourself, Illumi~."

The dark-haired teen took note of the seductive manner that his name was said but chose to ignore it and carefully took the other's hand. "It's nice to meet you, Hisoka."

Hisoka raised a brow and chuckled before shaking his hand. "Well, that's a first. Not many people are fond of my presence unless, of course, there is some type of payment involved," he told him with a nonchalant shrug. "So, what brings you to this line of work?"

"I'm just trying to make it out on my own, I suppose."

"Sounds like you have daddy issues, pretty boy." Hisoka gently tilted his head to the side. "Or am I wrong?" When Illumi simply shrugged, the redhead couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Since you're new and might be here for a while, I guess I should give you some advice. First, if any of the customers touch you without permission just smile, the boss hates it when we complain. Second, you can never decline a private show, they bring in a lot of money. And Third, you might get asked to leave for the night and the boss won't say yes unless a shit ton of money is involved."

The dark-haired teen frowned in confusion. "Leave for the night? Wait... we have to sleep with them?!"

"If they're paying enough, yes." The redhead raised a brow at the other's surprised expression. "What? You're not a virgin are you?"

"Well..." Illumi flushed in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, love. I could always give you a few demonstrations back at my place if you'd like?" Hisoka suggested while twirling a strand of Illumi's black hair. The Zoldyck opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted by the sound of the older male's name being called on stage. "Looks like I'm up. I'll see you later, cutie."

The teen watched as he left, his cheeks still burning a bright red.


Illumi was waiting outside in a sweater and a pair of sweatpants, a small bag sitting comfortably on his shoulder. He nervously shifted from foot to foot as he waited for Hisoka to come outside so they could leave together.

Hisoka x Illumi Oneshots (Requests Open)Where stories live. Discover now