the first victory

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She must keep the gloves on. Or everything around her will perish.

Since y/n was born, everything she touches with her bare hands is simply diminished, scorched by her unnatural ability. By age 13, her whole world had fallen, everyone she loved was slaughtered by an elite group that called themselves "Hunters". She soon grows to be unbelievably powerful, training in nen. The story begins when she finds herself at heavens arena, an arena specifically for individuals who are experienced enough to advance levels and win money along with fame and other inextinguishable rewards. No matter how far she advances, she ends up falling back into the same cycle of thought. Who is she really? And what, if anything, is she living for? Where will she find herself in this despicable journey that they call life.... 

Splashing the icy water onto my skin, I stood before the running sink. While I looked back up at the unrecognizable figure that appeared as my reflection, I drew in multipble sharp breaths. Dark seamless rings sunk under my eyes, and my messy black hair fell into my anxious expression as I prepared for my first fight at heavens arena.

Now you might(or might not be)wondering how I ended up here. And I wish I could tell you, but I'm not even sure myself. I don't quite remember my childhood- although I can surface distinct memories. I'd do anything to forget the constant feeling of abandonment, the continued neglect, my pent up anger, and my overall despond I endured. I grew up as a monster. Some sort of "disgusting" evil. Unaccepted by society. And as a 6 year old girl, nothing in the world could explain to me what made me so different-- so...distinct. I never understood why I was locked up in that dark, formidable, chamber all day. I never understood why I always had to keep the gloves on. And I never understood why those people- those "Hunters" came to save me- just to desert me once again. They were supposed to be the heroes.

Creasing the worn leather, I clenched my fists tightly and began to make my way towards the first floor arena.

When I first walked into the large space, my senses were immediately tried. Bright fluorescent lights and reluctant colors swam through the atmosphere, uncomfortably syncing up with the screaming and shouting of agonized participants. I scanned the room, picking out opponents that looked easy to beat, but suddenly I felt a firm hand take hold of my shoulder.

"Ay' little lady, you're lost arentchya? The stands are thattaway." The man's voice was low and gravely, sending a strained shiver down my spine. The towering figure was now pointing past the desk I had checked myself in at and he was still gripping onto my body.

"Actually, I think you're the one that's mistaken. I came here to beat the shit out of ignorant men like you- not to watch weak people do it for me." I spat, pushing his hand off me as I watched his smirk fall straight.

"Hmm." He sneered, taking a step back. Like I said earlier, he was a very large man; his skin was tan and bruised, and heavy muscles bulged out of his ripped black tank top. But the first rule I learned while training was that muscle doesn't beat skill. Not by a longshot. "You've got quite an attitude for a dainty little woman."

It's true, I was quite dainty. Living on the streets of the Republic of Padokea had slimmed me down a bit, and the lack of nutrition hadn't been healthy- but that never stopped me from training.

I began to fire a remark back but I was cut off by an echoing announcement; "Numbers 504 and 501 please report to platform 3. Numbers 504 and 501 please report to platform 3." Her voice was high and sharp but I suddenly straightened up as I realized that I was number 504. I turned away from the giant man and started to walk toward the 3rd platform. Heavy footsteps were trailing behind me and without turning back I rolled my eyes and quickened my strides.

"And why are you following me?"

The man only laughed and sped up to walk beside me. "Can't you women read? I'm number 501." He pointed to a white pin that was positioned on his chest.

"As if I would purposefully look in your direction- I'm trying to keep my eyesight for a couple years, ya know?"

"I can't wait to defeat you. Women."

"Yeah, yeah, you can go ahead and try all you want."

He didn't reply to my comment, but it was great timing, seeing as that's when we approached the platform. I stepped up and positioned myself on the opposite side of him. Leaning into a ready position as I rubbed my leather hands together hungrily. You've got it all wrong sir. I can't wait to defeat you.

Almost Immediately after the whistle was blown, the man lunged towards me offensively with an unexciting amount of speed. Easily avoiding his attack, I slid under his outstretched arm and placed a singular chop on the back of his burly neck, watching his face become tense as his heavy body was thrown onto the hard tile. He shouted something as he fell, but it was left unheard as the referee sounded a shrill whistle that played over it. The ref kept his tired eyes focused on the little machine in front of him, punching in random buttons and droning on in a monotone voice.

"Congratulations Miss f/n. You are automatically obligated to advance to the 120th floor."

"Only?" I frowned. "I thought I did better than that."

The ref was still looking down at the small device when he replied, clicking one last button and causing the machine to let out a small humming noise while printing out a small white sheet.

"Well, having to access a participant with only a singular chop is extremely difficult. Usually, people won't advance past the 100th floor on the first try."

"Does that mean I'm special?" I grinned sarcastically but he only handed me a white slip in return.

"Here's your ticket for floor 120. Thank you for coming to Heavens Arena." He dismissed me with a small wave and I began to step out of the ring before a felt a heavy grip capture my ankle and attempt to pull me down. I looked over my shoulder just to see the man lying helpless on the ground. His body was still weighted down on the pale tile and his head was slightly lifted, revealing the utterly pathetic look that was plastered across his face. I pulled my foot forward but his tight hold wouldn't be letting up anytime soon.

"You pathetic bastard." I growled, bringing up my fist from behind me and shooting it through the air. My eyes locked on my target but I was cut off by an annoying monotone voice.

"Any fighting after the watch has finished is prohibited."

I pointed to his hold on my foot and began to protest. "But sir-"

"Strictly forbidden."

How was I expected to get out of this situation? I usually just relied on my fists but here, I was unable to do that. Unless-

I slid one of my leather gloves off and my hand began to tremble. I was to never take my gloves off. I began to reach towards the man's hand, pulling myself into a deep trance. No. I can't. I can't take them off yet. I tried to stop myself but my hand kept moving. Not yet. Not yet. Not yet. I overpowered my mind and snapped my hand back, slipping my glove back on and nearly choking on my next words.

"Get off." The man began to open his mouth but I cut him off. "GET OFF." I demanded, causing him to shudder and pull his hand back.

This was only the start of my victories at heavens arena. 

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