Touya's Butterflies

Start from the beginning

I let out a small sigh at his words, hugging my knees into my chest as I prepared to speak.

Except, Dabi was the one who actually beat me to the punch this time.

"She was already up there, waiting for trouble. Then, she caught us and went psycho. Shouldn't be that much of a surprise since our shitty plan was probably fucked from the start." He commented casually, continuing to remain crouched as he looked up at Akio.

But, now that my nerves and sanity had finally returned to me and I had the moment to reflect on how we got here....

His answer...infuriated me.

He's omitting quite a few details of why this escalated the way it did.

"Funny," I spoke up now, immediately earning both pairs of eyes on me at how empty and dark my voice sounded. "I didn't take you for a liar, Dabi."

The words left my mouth without thinking, and I didn't care. How could I care, when this entire thing happened because he couldn't bring himself to kiss me? A one second kiss could have prevented all of this unnecessary drama, and he has the nerve to pretend that part didn't happen?

I waited for the stitched man to reply, actually hoping he would say something to piss me off more so I could continue fighting with him.

But, surprising me once again, he said nothing. Letting out a small scoff of irritation and looking away begrudgingly. Almost as if he was ignoring me.

I slowly turned my bloodshot, swollen eyes up from the ground and glared at him, truly not knowing how I feel about him in the moment.

Tonight...was really an eye opener for me. An eye opener into a real look at who Dabi is. Sure, he can be funny. He can be nice when he wants to be. And there are times when he does cooperate.

But, until now, his villainous nature never really processed in my mind. It's almost as if he put me in a bubble away from all of it. Whether it was intentional on his part, or not, I don't know. But, he always acted different around me. Nicer. Warmer. More understanding. Sure, he's always been stand offish, but I felt like he was starting to change.

I felt that he was the kind of person that, even if he did it with an attitude, he would actually make the right choice when it came down to it. That he wouldn't let me down, because he interacted with me differently than he did the rest of the world.

I was wrong.

I grew to trust him. I let my guard down. I shouldn't have.

It's a flaw-a trap I fell into, because even though I see it with my own eyes everyday, my heart keeps wanting to forget that Dabi is a villain. He doesn't care about me the way I want him to. He doesn't care about anyone, other than himself.

Him and I are opposites. We're not right for each other, and I was stupid to think otherwise.

Akio continued to glow softly in the darkness, looking at Dabi and I perceptively as he sensed the tension happening between us.

It's obvious to see that he's aware there's more to the story that Dabi's portraying. But, it's also obvious he knows I don't want to talk about it as he can see how genuinely seething I am right now.

So, instead, he let out a countless sigh as he slowly walked over to Euphoria, kneeling over the body on Dabi's opposite side as he lowered his glowing hand towards her like a flashlight.

He hovered his flattened palm above her, taking in the damages up close to try and figure out a solution.

"Jesus. She looks horrible." He commented nonchalantly, causing Dabi to turn his eyes up at him obviously.

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