He had taken her to a room close by and had tied her to a chair and had left her alone for some time, only to come back to find her attempting to break it by slamming it against the wall in hopes of escaping. Of course, he couldn't let that happen, so instead, he chained her wrists securely to a wall. There was no escaping for her this time, that was for sure. She could barely even clasp her hands together. It was hopeless for her now.

"You don't have to hurt them, just let them go. I'm the one that you want, just please..." she begged desperately, hoping that the man would heed her words and free her friends without bringing any harm to them. 

"You are not the only one I want Dorian, what would make you think that?" he chuckled bitterly. "You're not that special. Did you miss the part about me being able to kill two birds with one stone? Or did you just not understand what I meant? Ah, of course, you didn't...You were always so...defective...Now I see why it made perfect sense to choose your brother over you"

Dorian furrowed her brows in thought, ignoring all the offensive words her father had thrown at her. She was used to them by now, however, that didn't mean that they didn't hurt, she just chose not to dwell on them. One thought, however, still lingered in her mind. "My brother..." she spoke in a soft voice, loud enough for John to hear her. "Why did you keep Mason a secret from me?" she asked quietly, as he now made eye contact with him as more tears threatened to fall. Though she tried to keep them in, for she knew her father hated her tears, he hated any sign of weakness.

John took a random, rickety chair from inside the room and sat on it in front of her. He rested his elbows on his thighs, his hands falling between his open legs as he looked at her with a sour smile. "He wasn't any of your concern. He was my son. You didn't need to meet him. Hell, I don't even know how you both ended up attending the same school" he scoffed. 

"He may have been your son but he was...he was my brother. How could you keep that from me?"

"I killed your mother yet you still ask questions like these" John shook his head amusedly at the child. She really was foolish in his eyes, speaking as if he had any obligation to her. She obviously hadn't learned that he answered to no one, he held no obligation to anyone, especially not to her. In his mind, he didn't owe her anything. "If I had my way, you two wouldn't have met"

"If you had your way, I would have been DEAD!"

"YES!" John screamed crazily, his eyes widening as the veins in his neck threatened to pop. He leaned forward and gripped Dorian's jaw between his index and thumb harshly. "And now that I do have my way..." he spoke in a hoarse whisper and a sick grin as he looked at her, eyes trembling with insanity. "..You will be"

A single tear fell from Dorian's eye at that but luckily, John had moved away by then so he hadn't noticed. Her body was shaking in absolute terror, yet she couldn't stop herself from asking other questions. What did she have to lose? She was going to die anyway right? 

"Why do you still keep me here then? Why not just kill me and get it over with?" her shaky voice broke at the end of her sentence as she struggled to keep her tears in. She took a deep shaky breath, trying to calm herself down.

"For leverage Darling. For once you prove to be of good use to me" John stated, that condescending smile still marrying his face. "I could use you to get whatever I want out of those pretty boys out there.  Ah, the four boys from the Inner Circle of the Black Flacons. They are the four strongest hmm? Ah, it'll be so exciting to tear them apart!"

Dorian furrowed her brows at that, though, she chose not to comment. Instead, she continued to feed into her curiosity. "How...How did you even find out that I knew them? You were stalking me? Is that it? That's why you showed up to the party that night?"

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