Faded, for good.

Mulai dari awal

I saw Bucky duck behind a panel of metal a few feet behind of me. He gave me a nod and I returned it, then focused on the task at hand.

"Time Stone, Time Stone." I murmured, trying to sense what stone I needed.

I got a hold of what I thought was the time stone and removed it, going even slower this time.

Thanos, however, noticed instantly and clapped his hand over the stones.

"You shouldn't take things that don't belong to you." he shouted, searching for me.

"Neither should you." I said, hopping down and pulling up on the stones with all my energy.

Every single stone Thanos had collected shot up and out of his glove.

"Gimme those glowing Skittles!" I shouted, pulling the stones towards me. I plucked them out of the air and held my hand up in triumph. "Hell yeah, Infinity Skittles!!!" Everyone on the battlefield cheered and I couldn't even make out who was talking on the radio system.

A sword flew past my head and buried itself in the concrete behind me. "Oh, you throw like you're missing an eye!" I said, trying to jam his sword further in, to keep him from getting it back. He started getting way too close for comfort and I ran to Thor, who was already prepared to destroy my new possessions. "Boom time." I said. He nodded and his hammer sparked with blue lightning. "Batter up!" I shouted, tossing the Mind Stone up. He hit it and this time, I formed a shield over both of us, just in time.

I raised the Time Sone, and prepared to destroy it. "Sorry, Doc! You'll have to stick to the Delorean" I said. Tony laughed at my joke and I smiled.

"Child!!!" Thanos' voice rang through the air, silencing the battlefield. I turned around and saw him, holding his sword to Loki's neck. I halted everything I was doing and the stone dropped to the ground. "Give me that stone, or he dies." Thanos growled. I knew there was no way it was an illusion, Loki could barely stand with his wounded leg.

"Y/N, don't even think about it!" Loki shouted earning a kick in the side from his purple captor.

I turned to Thor and picked up the Time Stone. I gestured to his hammer and he nodded back. I took Mjolnir and walked to Thanos, holding the weapon in my hands in the most obvious way I could.

"You come to me armed? You must wish your lover dead." The purple titan mused, cocking his head.

"Okay, fine, here." I threw Mjolnir behind him, he turned and watched the hammer clatter to the ground a distance away. "Now, let him go, and you can have the Time Stone." I said, glancing at Loki, then back up to Thanos.

"Y/N, dont do this." Loki pleaded as I held my hand out.

"I was fooled once, I won't be fooled again." Thanos warned.

"I don't play tricks when lives are at stake." I said as I let the stone float in the air, hand opened, in front of Thanos' face.

"Smart girl." he sneered.

"You know, there's one I've been meaning to ask you..." Thanos plucked the stone from the air. "Why do you always underestimate me?" I asked. With that, Mjolnir flew forward and slammed into Thanos' head and into my hand. The titan fell forward and nearly on top of me. I grabbed the Time Stone from where it had fallen on the ground. I watched Loki dissapear in a flash of green and hoped his illusion would would work.

"Thor!!" I shouted, sending Mjolnir to him.

He grabbed the hammer and it lit up with lightning once more. I tossed the Time Stone to him and it was destroyed in a bright flash of green and blue.

Now, it was really over. There was no way Thanos could go back.

I looked to the titan, who was standing now, bowing his head.

"No resurrections this time." I told him, as he slowly faded away.


Hey all, what's up? I'm still going to keep updating dw, this is NOT the end.
School is still kicking my ass so updates will be scattered, sorry. 

I love all my readers!!!


Tony: *dies in movie*


An absolutely cursed image of Jeremy Renner (I guess we dont stan him but it's still funny af):

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

An absolutely cursed image of Jeremy Renner (I guess we dont stan him but it's still funny af):

An absolutely cursed image of Jeremy Renner (I guess we dont stan him but it's still funny af):

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Also, may I ask, why we don't stan Jeremy?

I know he made the weird remarks to his wife about cannibalism, and I know there were abuse accusations, but did he actually refuse to play a deaf Hawkeye? Bc that is not very cash money of him.

I need to know the Marvel tea.

Also, a deaf Hawkeye (he's deaf in the comics) would have made the MCU movies so much better.

Imagine the scene at the soul temple. It would be silent (except for music and sfx ofc) and just have the two signing the scene out.

AAAA I would've cried so much more than I did, which is saying something.

But, alas, if there was a deaf Hawkeye, we probably wouldn't get Impostor Clint venting, unless he had like hearing aids or sumn.

Thaw [Loki X Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang