Chapter 10: Week Two

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. . . Tuesday . . .

       Today we go to the zoo. I wanted to see this one, to see how it differed from the zoo in Paris. Well for starters this one was open in the winter. It was also way bigger. We were just having fun. Having accidentally separated from the class without anyone noticing or caring. We went to the cafeteria. I wanted hot chocolate but Damian wanted tea we both also had a nice hot vegan stir fry. The class was on the other side of the cafeteria.

      We had just finished. When the Riddler broke into the cafeteria, with his goonies. He announced "I need a volunteer to answer my riddles. For every riddle wrong, someone dies. For every riddle correct, I let someone out. For every minute that passes without a volunteer, I will also shoot someone."

       I ducked under Damian's arm and walked towards the Riddler. "Ah, Gotham's Angel is our volunteer. Let's get this started. Riddle me this, Youre in a race and you pass the person in second place. What place are you in now?" I rolled my eyes "Second place." I answered. He looked shocked, but continued "Riddle me this, How can you go 10 days without sleep?" I answered quickly "Simple, you sleep at night, not during the day." This continued for a while.

"Riddle me this, What has 13 hearts, but no lungs or stomach?"

"A deck of cards"

"Riddle me this, If you have it, you dont share it. If you share it, you dont have it. What is it?"

"A secret"

"Riddle me this, Two fathers and two sons are in a car, yet there are only three people in the car. How?"

"In the car it is a grandfather, a father, and a son."

"Riddle me this, A man shaves many times during the day, but at the end of the day, he still has a beard. How is this possible?"

"Can I ask for help? It's just that English isn't my first language, and I cant think of what it is called, but I know it. Its gonna sound funny though, but it is those people who cut hair. They are normally in hair salons . . . Barber! It's a barber that's what they are called!" I rambled.

      "You know what kid. You are now under the protection of the Riddler!" he announced winking at me, and left with his goons. I glared at the Batfam that was staring through the window dumbstruck. Before looking for Damian. Who was also staring at me dumbstruck? I walked to him and whispered in his ear "If you don't shut your mouth, you will catch flies." He instantly shut his mouth and turned a shade of pink.

I finished Damian's suit that night.

. . . Wednesday . . .

        The vigilantes and villains museum I can't wait to make outfits inspired by them. I haven't even been around for that long, and they already have one on Ladybird. Jon joined us for this tour. I can't criticize my boyfriend and his family's outfits, out loud. What were his family members thinking? At least his Robin outfit has pants like seriously. I guess with Dick's Robin suit, it made sense without pants considering it was his old costume from the circus but why did Jason continue with the no pants thing?

I went home early to work on my dress I left Damian with Jon, they were friends first and I don't want Jon to feel left out the cause of me. I worked on it till Damian took me into his room to make sure I at least got a little sleep.

. . . Thursday . . .

       I awoke to someone yelling "I thought I said, she gets her own room!" I turned bright red still in Damian's arms. I knew that voice it was uncle Jagged. Damian let me go to turn and glare at Jagged, he glared right back. I ran to Jagged and hugged him. I started "I do have my room Damian just took me to his room to make me stop working on my dress for the Gala." Jagged just looked so smug and said "Ssssuuuuurrrrreee, you were." He then walked away.

      We spent the day preparing for the Gala and later that night we played games. The grand winner of the night gets: a batch of macarons donated by me, a selfie with Damian smiling without it looking pained, Jason put in a smaller pistol, Dick put in a hula hope, Tim put in his old tablet, and Bruce put in a battering and 500$.
        To say we all wanted to win was an understatement. Tim won at monopoly. Bruce won the clue. I won charades, trivia pursuit, and Phase ten. Jason won at uno and sorry. Damian won at Life and scrabble. Dick won at Twister, Jumanji, and new phone who dis. It was the tie-breaker round between me and Dick I was winning but it was his turn.

       He says "Blue, do you have any twos?" I gave him my two. "Do you have any sevens?" I hand him my seven, and just like that we were tied "What about any nines?" I gave up my nine "Do you have any aces?" I brightened up and smiled "Go Fish." . . .  Dick beat me at Go Fish. He was declared the winner. After that I stayed in my room finishing my dress which I did but not gonna lie, I was salty I lost.

Friday is the gala!


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