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"I said tonight Derek. You have gathered enough information to expose them and I think you've made enough money."

" Okay meet me at Comerica building tonight."

"Sure, so tell me what are you going to do with your little girlfriend."

"Nothing, she was just my passport around this don't worry about her."

"Have I told you how much I love you bro."

"No, and save it you can tell me later."

Derek hung up and Monica could sense that he was coming out of the guest room. She quickly ran back into her office and called Samuel back.

" He's leaving tonight and all along he's been using me." She sounded lacerated when she spoke. "Look, I don't need you to tell me that you told me just get the guys ready to attack at the Comerica building tonight. And for the rest of the day just don't bother Derek, he'll face his doom tonight."

Derek was feed up with this place he couldn't tolerate it any longer. He thought about taking another stream and try new ways of crime but working with ' dumb jerks ' as he referred to the Seagals: a groups which calls itself a pack is just exhausting.

On the other hand he has to deal with Monica who then calls herself "Perilous" . He has never loved her and he hoped she never fell in love with him either, because that'll be on her if she did. Derek was on the phone with his brother Gabriel, he told him what went down about the whole situation, him meeting Monica and joining the pack and taking more money than anyone else. Everyone in the pack was oblivious of the missing millions Derek stole.

After the call he head footsteps and at that moment he knew that someone was listening and that something was about to go down.

It was the hour for his execution. Everyone was pretty calm around him and Monica showed that she knew that something was up. It's either her or someone who was eavesdropping, which he don't care about because had nothing to lose. The only question he had was asking himself was ' why haven't they attacked yet? '

Derek went up to the crew watching TV.

" Nica..." He called her by her pet name which tasted bitter on his tongue. " I'm heading out, I'll be back in a few minutes. " Derek knew that they were planning to eliminate him for the betrayal and he knew he would take all of them out because because he was an accurate shooter.

" Will you come with me? "

Samuel threw daggers at Derek telling Monica to not go communicating with their eyes. Derek looked at Samuel and smirked.

"What's up with you Samuel? Do you have a prob with me asking my girlfriend out for a walk in the cool evening?"

"No I don't." Samuel replied with a demanding tone dripping with annoyance.

Monica stood up and nodded at Samuel then spoke seductively " Sure D. " and smiled her superstar smile.

They walked and arrived at the park. " Tell your pathetic lap dogs to not follow me cause I'm leaving you and I hope you enjoy your lives without me."

"Derek what are you saying?"

" I'm leaving, like packing my bags and getting into a bus and never coming back. Except for now I don't have a bag. "
" What about us? "

" Well about that, there was never an
" us" and since I've got what I wanted it's time for me to take my leave, if you don't."

"What was that?"

"Money and I've got it and that's enough"

"I don't care about that I have enough myself, I just want your love."

" Oh I'm so sorry but there's none of that."

"If that's the case then your death wish is my command."

"So you think I'd be scared of your lap dog on the roof? How about this..." I turned Monica to face away from me and her back to face my chest and the red LED light pointed on her throat. I took out my gun and shot the prick on the roof then his lifeless body fell like a dummy.

"Tell them to stop and leave me to go and leave this trash in peace. No one has to die is it? " Derek asked mockingly

"Guys put your weapons down and let him go." Monica spoke with defeat as Derek was pressing the gun deeper onto her neck.

"Are they all obeying you, huh? I don't think so." He took out his pocket knife and stabbed her arm.

"Looks like you all like it the hard way. Then the hard way is what I'll give you."

He pushed Monica aside and started shooting the Seagals. His gun ran out of bullets.

"Damnit!" He cursed under his breath then started running. He thought this was going to be easy that's the reason he brought one gun with him. Just after turning behind a block pillar he felt excruciating pain on his arm.

That didn't stop him and he kept running until he saw a car at a stop sign. He ran to it and his acting skills fell into place as he approached it.

This is my very first story and I hope that you find it amusing.

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