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Ok, so I'm really torn between sharing this and not, cause on the one hand I love her, but on the other hand I don't wanna give too much away

I'm just gonna write this assuming that my impulsive monkey brain won this battle and I decided to share her

But I'm not saying too much

Partly because I'm still planning so idk what I'm actually gonna keep, and I don't wanna say something will happen and then it doesn't end up happening

Partly because I'm still planning so idk what's gonna be a spoiler, and even if I do make some things not spoilers, they might still be fun little surprises

And partly because I know it's gonna take ages to make, especially since I'm still only in the planning stages, so no one will see much from this for a while, and I don't wanna hype this up too much just for there to be a super long wait


I'm planning on making a choose your own adventure story here on Wattpad

Like I said, still planning, so I can't give away many details

But there are 2 characters (well, technically 3 if you count the Narrator)(of course there are other characters in universe who have influenced things in the past, but the only characters that you will actually see are these 2 or 3. Or at the very least, it's very unlikely that you will see any more, there is always a chance I could change my mind on this later, but for the moment these are the only ones you'll actually see, and I'm not sure if I want to add to the characters cause it could just complicate things even more)

So the Narrator is gonna be very similar to the Narrator in the Stanley Parable, but with less power over the story(anyone who hasn't played that game or seen anything from it, I highly recommend it, it's hilarious)
They won't interact with anything, they're just there to narrate what's happening. But they are perfectly happy sharing their opinion on what's happening, and might sometimes be very biased if you make the main character do something they don't like or something. Also, although it is literally their job to watch what's happening and tell this story, they aren't always all that great at it, and can sometimes be kinda unobservant and/or oblivious as to what is happening, or might not distinguish between important and unimportant information (though all of this stuff happens much more often in silly endings)
There's gonna be many endings, some are more serious, some are more jokey, and the tone of the narrator will be heavily influenced by your decisions and which ending you are more likely to get
However, there is a chance I won't have the narrator and instead just have everything from the main characters pov, but idk. I'm more used to writing things from a characters pov but I think it would be easier to understand what is happening and be less influenced by the thoughts of the main character  if it was someone completely separate to them, so I'm still deciding on that. But definitely leaning more heavily towards Narrator

The main character, who you play as, so far doesn't have a name, so until I think of one for him, I'm just gonna call him MC. He also so far doesn't have a personality, and I'm not 100% sure how much of a personality separate to your decisions he will have (I might give him some sort of personality in some of the endings, but at the moment he is just a vessel for the readers to control). Also, he doesn't have a design yet, because when he does have a design I want it to actually look interesting and not just bland and generic, and it's hard to come up with an interesting design for someone who doesn't have a personality
(Also his lack of a personality so far is another big factor in why I'm leaning more towards have the Narrator rather than having it from MC's pov, cause writing from a characters pov is significantly harder if they have no personality)

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