The cool wind blew on his cheeks, but the heat couldn't dissipate at all.

He smiled and said, "You suddenly come here if you are not with Lao Tzu, do you want Lao Tzu's life?"

She was speechless.

He took her little hand off and kissed her fingertips lightly: "Meng Ting, you just rely on me to like you."

She whispered: "No."

Those with wet apricot eyes may have never been as helpless as tonight in her obedient and sensible seventeen-year outlook on life.

Jiang Ren didn't want to force her, but he was restrained enough.

According to the routine, men often have to say, then I will wait for you to go to college. But Jiang Ren couldn't wait, he couldn't wait for a minute.

She kissed him suddenly, and half of his blood strips were gone. He would have to give her his life a few more times.

He held back his smile, met her eyes, and threatened fiercely: "Tell me, Meng Ting, I really want to kill you."

Meng Ting looked at his dark pupils and restrained the heat of his cheeks: "I don't want to."

"Then what do you say?"

She didn't know what to do.

She didn't dare to make her fall in love early, let alone fall in love with Xiaojiang Ye. Papa Shu broke his leg when he found out. My mother might also be angry in Tianyouling.

She was at a loss and at a loss.

Meng listened to red eyes and told him the truth: "My father really wouldn't agree. He is very hard and very principled. If he knows I dare to fall in love early, he will break your leg."

Jiang Ren said, "Let him beat me to death. You can do it if you like me."

He was not joking at all.

It was the first time Meng Ting saw someone fall in love, she endured it. She was at a loss and wanted to cry, but she snorted and laughed.

Her cheeks were still pink, tender and red, and her eyes were wet.

With such beautiful and clear eyes, few people believe that it has been injured and healed slowly.

She smiled, her eyes crooked and her lips rose.

It is the sweetest honey in summer.

Jiang Ren said, "What are you laughing at? Seriously, you agree or not." He died fiercely.

Meng Ting blinked: "You are so fierce..."

Jiang Ren's expression froze: "No, I'm just afraid of you..." I was afraid that she would go back, and that everything just now was just the illusion he was too eager to give birth to.

She put her little hand in his palm: "Let my dad beat you to death."

Jiang Ren felt that his reaction tonight was extra sluggish. This sentence was very informative.

He was crazy.

He was even so grateful that there was an urge to kneel to her, holding her on the cusp of his heart. I don't like it enough.

The scorching heat in his eyes made Meng Ting feel hot.

In her life, she had only done such a thing that deviated from principle and track. She restrained the slowly accelerating heartbeat: "You are not allowed to speak Jiang Ren."

She was afraid of what he would do.

His Adam's apple moved and shut up with difficulty.

"Don't look at me."

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