She doesn't hold any grudges, Jiang Ren discovered it a long time ago, even if she almost cried at the airport last time, she still looks warm and bright today. He quietly touched the crusted tooth marks on his arm and moved closer to her.

Meng Ting opened the textbook and pushed it between the two.

She has the experience of lecturing to children, and she often lecturing to the classmates, because it takes a night for self-study, which is the most comfortable. No need to look backwards.

Meng Ting asked him: "Today I will speak Chinese first. I will go home at the weekend to find a junior high school tutorial on mathematics and physics to help you lay the foundation, OK?"

She tilted her head to ask him, a seventeen-year-old girl with clean eyes.

Jiang Ren had never been so peaceful with her before, her tenderness was like water flowing through the bones, which made her feel numb.

Jiang Ren said blankly: "Okay."

Meng heard: "Then I will tell you the contents of the first two lessons. Please listen carefully. If you don't know words, just look at the phonetic transcription."

Jiang Ren's heart was pounding.

He liked her gentleness, but he had never been treated like this before. But she did not expect that she would be so serious and friendly when she agreed to tuition.

Meng Ting read "Qinyuanchun" to him, explaining as he read it.

Then there are two modern poems.

"Rain Lane", "Farewell to Cambridge".

The two are not love poems, they are better than the soft tone of love poems.

Her voice was sweet in the summer night, like Wu Nong's soft words——

"The golden willow by the river,

Is the bride in the sunset;

The bright shadows in the waves,

Ripples in my heart. "

Jiang Ren also felt that his heart was rippling.

"The green grass on the slime,

Greasy swagger under the water;

In the soft waves of the River Cam,

I am willing to be a water plant! "

He felt that a poem was beautiful for the first time. In the waves of her eyes, he was also drowning.

After Meng Ting finished reading, he said the meaning seriously. She spoke carefully, fearing that he would not understand, and slowed down her tone, but the young man beside her remained silent.

Meng Ting tilted his head and looked over.

The boy who was much taller than her, his eyes did not fall on her book.

The white school uniform was thin, and his dark eyes fell on her bulging chest. Because white can penetrate, school girls complained many times. When Meng Ting wears white, he always wears a white tube top inside, so that it does not show the outline of his inner clothes.

His distraction was too obvious, and his Adam's apple moved.

Meng Ting followed his gaze and bowed his head, where the tube top did not cover, under the thin clothes, the edge of the pink inner garment could be seen faintly.

Meng Ting: "...!"

The air was burning, and her face flushed and she stood up: "Jiang Ren! Where do you look!"

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