He couldn’t help but smile, and compromised at the end: “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Meng Ting thought secretly, who would want to see you tomorrow. At the bus stop outside the hospital, the bus that headed to her house would stop there too. She walked for 5 minutes to wait at the bus stop. Meng Ting took a look at her watch, the cold wind in the winter blew like knives cutting through her.

The cleaning lady was sweeping the floors of the bus stop, the lady was so tired that she couldn’t straighten her back, she watched as Meng Ting helped her to pick up her broom.

She looked up with a smile: “Thank you, young lady.”

That young lady softly said: “Your welcome.”

The cleaning lady only then noticed how pretty the young lady looked, her smile would melt the hearts of people. She reminded her: “It’s tough to wait for a bus here.” She saw as the young lady didn’t have much on, with a heart of pity, “If you can’t handle the cold, let your family come pick you up.”

Meng Ting thanked her and the lady left with her bag.

The wind was actually quite cold.

Especially with today’s bad weather, it’s only 9 in the morning, the chilly morning weather hadn’t completely disappeared, every breath pierced through her lung painfully.

Jiang Ren came by and saw her standing there in the wind, the leaves from the cinnamon tree falling down everywhere along with the wind.

The side profile of hers, just quietly standing was already so mesmerizing.

Meng Ting turned towards him, slightly annoyed at the sight of him: “Didn’t you leave already?”

His smile slightly mischievous: “I can’t bear leaving your side.”

“Jiang Ren, can you don’t talk like……” Her ears turned slightly red, and blurted those two hurtful words, “Low class.”

Her tone was so soft, even when she said that he was low class, it sounded sweet.

He smiled: “Did you just say that I’m low class?”

That year, he was wearing an oversized black winter jacket, his hair dyed back to black, he looked so sharp and manly. His eyebrows were shaped like a blade, which easily scared the people around him.

He approached her while unzipping his zip.

She was so shy that her face turned bright red, her gaze watered as she was embarrassed: “What are you doing?”

He tsked: “I’m teaching you how to be low class.”

As Meng Ting wanted to push him further away, a winter jacket which still had his body warmth enveloped her.

She shockingly looked up, after a while, she realized that she misunderstood him, her face turned a darker shade of red.

Meng Ting said: “You should wear it, I’m not cold.”

Jiang Ren chuckled: “Low-class people are not scared of the cold.”

She bit her lips, trying very hard to keep her laughter in, in the end, she smiled.

It was the first time she was smiling at him, even if it was because the joke was funny. Her smile was so beautiful that it was so mesmerizing, it was so sweet that it made his heart shudder.

Meng Ting also felt sorry, she blinked, trying her best to bite her lips and suppress her laughter: “I’m sorry, it wasn’t intentional.”

But Jiang Ren was just a low-class gangster in her eyes.

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