She said: “We’ll always be your family.”

Meng Ting never saw through her acts and was always kind to her.

But this life, she wouldn’t care about Shu Lan anymore.

Meng Ting calmly said: “ You like Jiang Ren, so you took my medal to impress him.”

Shu Lan angrily replied: “What ridiculous theory is that!”

“That skirt is my mum’s last gift to me, our last photo together is also at the back of the medal. In the past, the things that I gave up for you, I’ll just let it pass, but these two items, you can’t take.”

Shu Lan couldn’t believe the Meng Ting that was always soft could be so serious.

She got angry too, and decided to admit: “I went to someone’s birthday party so I took your dress, is there something wrong with that, if I had a nice skirt, would I have taken your dress? It’s all because of your eyes, that we’ll be in this poor state now. My father’s salary isn’t even that low, but they were all poured to help you pay back your debts!”

Meng Ting tightened her fist, after a while, she breathed out.

“Shu Lan.”

Shu Lan looked at her, her heart felt slightly anxious. Meng Ting was still the naive and gentle Meng Ting, it’s just some things were different now.

“The things I owe Father Shu, I remember them all. But I don’t owe you anything. Everything that I’ve owned before, almost all of them, I’ve already given to you.”

Meng Ting knew how to play the piano, Shu Lan wanted to learn. But she took very long to pick it up, she learned for 2 years and only managed to learn a little bit of it, Meng Ting knew that family wasn’t doing well, so she didn’t continue. Back then, her mother was still alive, but the family could only afford to pay for one child.

Meng Ting knew how to dance, many different forms of dance.

Shu Lan also wanted to learn, Meng Ting wanted her to have the chance to learn, so she had also given up to learn dancing from her teacher, and chose to pick it up herself.

But Shu Lan still let her down, she wasn’t flexible enough, and couldn’t resist the pain from stretching, after one month of classes, she had already given up.

Meng Ting said: “If you can’t return my things to me, then I’ll get it back from Jiang Ren myself.”

Shu Lan has never seen this side of Meng Ting.

She was also crazily mad: “You’re going to get it back from him? If you’re going then I’m telling father how you’re torturing his biological daughter.” Shu Lan closed the door right after she finished. Since it’s not possible to get the medal back, she didn’t know that there was a photo at the back, the class was all hyped up, as this Tuesday was He Jun Ming’s birthday, even if the bunch was quite playful, all of the rich kids are going to come, and Shu Lan wants to be invited too.

So she threw Meng Ting’s gold medal downstairs.

And He Jun Ming as expected thought of her.

Shu Lan told him that it was her dance medal while blushing, He Jun Ming picked it up, and saw the picture that fell out.

He froze for a few seconds, whistled, and asked Shu Lan about the person in the photo: “Who is she?”

Shu Lan’s face turned white, she only could reluctantly smile back: “A small celebrity that I was into a few years back, she’s not in the industry anymore.”

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