“Don’t know”

Teacher Fan as expected said: “After school, all 3 of the students run around the school for 1500m, the class monitor is in charge of monitoring them.”

The class monitor was Guan Xiao Ye, her results in the class were quite good, she takes her role very seriously, and agreed to the teacher’s request.

Guan Xiao Ye with her school bag still on her: “Okay, you guys can start running now.”

Li Yi Long smiling: “Monitor, I don’t think Meng Ting should run, it isn’t very convenient because of her eyes. If she falls it won’t be a good thing, if everyone here didn’t say anything, no one would know.”

Guan Xiao Ye with a stern face: “No, everyone runs, she didn’t bring her student card.”

Liu Yun and Li Xiao Long tuts in response.

Meng Ting put down her walking stick: “It’s okay, I’ll be fine. Thank you, Li Yi Long.”

Li Yi Long felt embarrassed, he is one of the noisiest students in the class, and naturally didn’t hang with the good students in the class, even if he didn’t say anything, he did slightly look down on them.

Meng Ting was number 1 in class, but she had an aura that made the people around her feel comfortable.

The 3 of them started to run.

Meng Ting remembered this path. Because after school, there would be basketball competitions in the field, so they were arranged to run there too. In between Seven High and Li Cai was a wide path, just right for running. 1500m wasn’t short, for weak bodies, it was quite challenging.

Meng Ting ran 800 m, her breathing started to slightly hurt.

She rearranged her rhythm and continued running.

Her eyes weren’t in a very good state, so she took the run slowly and steadily. By that time, the others were already done and had long gone.

Jiang Ren and He Jun Ming were on their bikes passing by, they spotted Meng Ting right away.

She was wearing Seven High’s school uniform, she should’ve blended right into the crowd of people, but weirdly, he spotted her in a heartbeat.

She was running with all her might, her hair in a ponytail, raised in a subtle arch.

Her fair skinny neck showing.

He Jun Ming saw as Jiang Ren stopped his bike, and followed him over. As soon as he saw Meng Ting’s slow movements, he burst in laughter: “Is she running or just shifting around, even, I can walk faster than her.”

Jiang Ren couldn’t help but smile along.

Fang Tan gave it some thought: “Come to think of it, the people in Seven high who run here, are those that violated the school rules.”

Now, the both got curious.

“What rules would she have violated?”

He Jun Ming cluelessly guessed: “Juvenile dating?”

Jiang Ren looked back, and slapped his head: “God damn juvenile dating, you think she’s like you.” He Jun Ming looked confused, why did he suddenly take a beating from him, can’t he just make some guesses?

Jiang Ren’s silver hair dazzled, chewing his bubble gum, he randomly picked a guy: “You, go take a look.”

The boy hurriedly ran over upon his orders, after a while, he came back snickering: “Boss Ren, I asked the girl over there, is there something wrong with Seven High, you had to run if you wore the wrong uniform, or if you forgot your student card. Our school’s better, what a dumb rule!”

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