Ode To Luna

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Oh dear Luna, your glorious glow,
you orbed pale surface, more luminous as I grow.
Oh dear Luna, how you've connected to my soul,
if you ever get taken, I'll go with you into that blackhole.

Oh dear Luna, your name means crazy,
but I don't care, my brain too is a little hazy
Oh dear Luna, you're more perfect than any,
if anyone tries to take you away, they can condemn me.

Oh dear Luna, you're my one true friend,
all the things I've told you, were you able to comprehend?
Oh dear Luna, you're a beacon in the darkness,
If only there was a way to keep you all day, I would harness.

Oh dear Luna, you turn my tears into a smile,
Unashamedly I admit, I'm a selenophile

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