-Under The Stars-

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Brick and Boomer smirked,
"go get her bro..."Brick said.
Bubbles and Blossom smiled, they already know anout their plan too.
Fake grieve on Butch, making her believe, and boom! They're together!!

Buttercup managed to chase after him, and she saw what terrifies the most. Butch was on the highest building, on the edge ready to fall.

Buttercup land on the top roof and pulled hos arm back. "Butch!, Butch stop!"she said Butch looked at her confused. "Are you crazy?!?!?, falling off on a high tower?!?!"she asked looking at him panicked.

Butch just looked to the view, on the city's lights. "It's bautiful up here.."he said. Buttercup looked at him with her eyes wide eyed.
"What!?!?"she said, Butch hold her hand. "Hey-" she squirmed, "let's just sit.."he said and guide her to sit on the ground.

Buttercup looked at him confused, for a second he was gonna kill his self and now he's here stargazing with her. "Why did you came for me Buttercup..I know you hate me, I understand you can't trust a villain like me.."he said, Buttercup glares soften.

"I don't hate you.." she said, Butch slowly looked at her.
"You don't hate me, and you don't love me the same time?"he asked and smirked, Buttercup punched his arm. "Don't get your hopes up..where are the proofs huh?, that I hate you and I didn't love you.."she said.

Butch looked at her surprise,
"you love me?"he asked.
Buttercup looked away in embarrasement.
"I-is that a question or a demand?" She asked. Butch think for a second "Both??.." He answered.

Buttercup scoffs and looked away, to be honest she miss these times, where he would just tease her all the time. She adjusting her powerpuff jacket to make it less awkward. Butch looked up into the sky, he motioned Buttercup to look as well.

"Look up there.. lots of beautiful stars huh?" He asked. Buttercup looked at him confused,
Butch pointed to a one star
"that one is called polaris..it's the most special star in the sky..
That's why it shines really bright, All of the other stars are rotating around her but without them noticing that polaris is special..because it's the center of all constelation.."he said and looked to her.

"Butters...you are a polaris.."
He said looking straight in her warm emerald eyes. Buttercup stared at his forest green eyes as well. "your special and better than anyone in your own way...
you are a powerpuff and everyone in Tokyo City revolves around you...and I'm always gonna rotate around you to make fun of you, getting on your nerves.."he continued and chuckled, Buttercup huffed and lightly smacked his head.

"And we had our history as enemies, but now I realize it changed into love..and the reason I fell in love with you is because you are special..your my counterpart...your the center of my heart, and I realize I can't be far from you.."he end his , Buttercup was speechless.
No one has ever said anything that special about her.

Without Buttercup realizing, A tear had run down on her cheek.
Butch smiled, He wiped away the tears with his thunb as well cupping her face.

"Sshhh, stop crying..it's ruining your gorgeous face.."Butch said being sweet again. Buttercup couldn't take it anymore, she immediatly wrapped her arms aroudn Butch's neck and her head rested on the crook of his neck. Butch smiled and hugged back,
He's been dreaming this for so long..
He holds her in his arms. She's his and He's hers.

"Kaoru Matsubara.."Butch said as loosening the hug but still wrapped his arms on her. "Yes?" She said face to face with him, but still resting her arms aroumd his neck.

"Would you be my girlfriend?"
There was a pause after Butch said those 5 words, Buttercup didn't know what to say. Is she ready to be in a relationship yet?.

"Is that a demand or an invite?" She asked again. Butch took in and thought about it, Buttercup giggled. "But you don't need to demand me..Yeah.." she said smiling towards him with her reddened cheeks.

Butch had a goofy smile making Buttercup giggled.
As they continued enjoying each other's company there.
Butch loosen his grip on Buttercup, Making her confused.

Suddenly the world felt like stop for a while as they stared in each other's eyes. Butch loose the gap and kissed her soft lips, Buttercup was caught off guard but decided to kiss him back.

This wasn't the reaction Butch expected, he thought she's gonna smack him right there in a minute. They continued they're kiss it was sweet. Butch licked her lips, making her opened her mouth and deepened the kiss.

Buttercup pulled apart, to get some air. She rested her fore head against his "I love you,Kaoru Matsubara.." she smiled.

"I love you too, Takeshi Yamamoto.."

Little do they know, there friends were watching them from a far. Happy for there green teammates has finally found each other.

1487 words

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PPGZ Butchercup Oneshots!!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ