Chapter 54 (Welcome Home)

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The first release of the luxury guest lineup was more than 20 first-tier big-star names. The second release of luxury lineups was still more than 20 first-tier big-star names![1]

Regarding grandness[2], no movies in recent years could be comparable to Black Clouds.

  Although many netizens knew that these big names may only pop in to show their faces in the movie without being included in any substantial drama, this was still enough to make them thoroughly excited. One movie ticket could let them see so many big-name celebrities, how could it not be watched, how could it not be bought!

 Must Buy, Buy, Buy!

 The Black Clouds crew had only used a short video and caused a stream of discussion on the Internet. As long as one person discussed it, the popularity of this movie would continue to rise, and more and more netizens would see news regarding this movie.

Moreover, the Black Clouds crew did not spend a hefty amount, only placing many advertisements on Weibo and Tieba, as well as many video platforms and social networking sites. As soon as one opened these apps, they would immediately see a short advertisement video for Black Clouds. The screen would quickly circulate through the faces of many first-tier stars. At the end, the screen would suddenly darken and a handsome, clean youth would slowly walk towards you.

Behind him are meteors, where light and shadow circulated as if in a dreamy and colorful galaxy. He reaches out to you, slightly hooking up his lips, and a smooth and gentle smile blooms on his mouth. One couldn’t help but stare into his bright eyes and listen to his clear, musical voice: “I am Rong Xu, would you like to listen to Black Clouds with me?”[3]

[Want, want, want, want, want, want ! ! Ahhhhhhh, hugs Rong Rong. I’ll give you 120,000 kisses! ! ! 】

[Wu wu wu~ how can my family’s RongRong be so good looking! How! 】

 [In this life, I do not not regret loving RongRong! Let’s make an appointment at the cinema, I will watch Black Clouds three times! 】

This ad was filmed while Rong Xu was still working with the Black Clouds crew. Soon, the ad spread throughout the entire network. The homepage of several well-known apps premiered this advertisement and filled the attention of all netizens. The overwhelming advertising offensive made Black Clouds more and more popular.

Finally, the first variety show that the Black Clouds crew participated in was officially broadcasted.

Because the crew was based in S City, the first show they chose was a well-known and acclaimed talk show in S City. Director Liang, Rong Xu and Yu Siyu were all present. The three sat on the sofa and chatted with the talk show host, Wu Xiangmeng.    

The show, Chasing Dreams, ranked among the top three in viewer ratings in the country and was famous for its sharp and bold comments. This program could be considered half-R[4], with some words that were not suitable for children. For example, there would be occasional inappropriate jokes, and sometimes violent movie and TV scenes would be shown.

Of course, Black Clouds didn’t have those violent scenes, but the host Wu Xiangmeng still dug many traps for the three main crew members.

At the beginning of the show, Wu Xiangmeng directly asked Director Liang: “Why did you choose Rong Xu to appear as Ling Xiao? It seems that he only debuted half a year ago. When you first started auditions, his Vie for Supremacy hadn’t even finished filming, right? Choosing Rong Xu, was it because he had some sort of unique advantage compared to the other auditioners?”

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