Chapter 3

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Yamikumo stood on the street in front of where his house was supposed to be. His home was gone, maybe a house could be demolished in a day but it wasn't just gone. The house had been completely replaced with a somewhat new looking apartment building. This afternoon had been so confusing already and this was just the cherry on top, wasn't it?

He stood there for a couple of minutes before some pro hero that was patrolling the area checked on him. The pro was easy enough to get off his back, just some lie about waiting for someone and the dude left. He decided to try and find a phone and call his mother. Yamikumo didn't know his fathers phone number, he only knew her's  since she had forced him to learn it. It was really just for in case of an emergency and considering how his house literally vanished this kinda seemed like one.

As Yamikumo walked down the street he witnessed the street lights turning on which meant it had to be around seven pm. He wasn't usually out this late but not because he had a curfew or he was scared of being out late. He just simply had no reason to be. The boy rarely hung out with friends but it's not like he wanted to anyways. He wasn't on bad terms with anyone at school, katsuki was his only close friend and they'd hang out on occasion. The two had similar goals, morals, and interests in life which worked well for their dynamic. Yamikumo was so shocked when katsuki yelled at him earlier since he almost never raised his voice unless it was to encourage someone. They planned on being hero partners since their quirks correlated so well but how would they do that if his partner blew up every time he tried to help. His friend had never been such a prideful jerk like that before.

katsuki's one bad quality was that he had no filter to what he'd say. It wasn't like he'd blurt out anything that came to mind randomly, he just didn't know where to draw the line of what to not say. This worked in both negative and positive ways though, he was always complementing Yamikumo along with the rest of the human kind. katsuki also gave some good critiquing advice when they'd workout together. It was just those moments when he'd comment on someone's insecurity, thinking he was just trying to help improve them but it always ended terribly.

For example that time he told the man on the crowded train "Woah, you really smell terrible! Don't worry though I get it, I'm always sweating up a storm because of my quirk. The brand of body wash I use is really good and I know a couple others I would love to recommend to you." His friend was just trying to help but the man took it as sarcasm and had to get off before he ended up punching katsuki.

The rest of the area around him was almost identical to how it was this morning, there were only small differences, like the name plates on a couple houses didn't seem familiar and the bakery his mom loved sign was a different color. Come to think of it, what was the color before? He was almost positive it hadn't been green that morning. Maybe it had been a light pink? Possibly beige.

After staring at the sign for well over a minute lost in thought his eyes adjusted to looking at his reflection in the store's front window. Yep, his hair was definitely tinted a dark green instead of his normal dark purple. His freckles and eyes were still the same, his face looked a bit more round, his shoulders were less broad than they were this morning which sucked cause he had been making an effort to workout more often.

"Ay kid. Whatcha lookin at?" A tired voice said from beside him. A man that was around a half a  foot taller than him, with black shoulder length hair which looked a bit greasy. He was leaning against the wall of the shop Yamikumo had just been staring at. There was a scarf around his neck and shoulders and it also covered the bottom half of his face. The man also had a cigarette in between his pointer and middle finger. He looked a little familiar to Yamikumo but he couldn't place it.

"Just my reflection... got a lighter I could borrow?" Yamikumo asked. The man's brows knotted.

"Aren't you a bit young to be smoking?" He asked.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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