Book.2 Part.12

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Me and Anna keep walking and ignore the paparazzi
G- can you stop recording me
F- Grace is it true that you lost your baby
G- can you stop fucking bothering me and asking the most fucked up questions were obviously not answering you because were annoyed and just trying to hang out together
We walk away and go into a restaurant
G- Anna I know we just met and I don't want to bombard you with my life but I really need to talk to someone about what happened
An- of course you can tell me
G- so Bexlie had a twin brother I was gonna name him Micheal Lee Hall but he past away
She sits next to me and hugs me
An- I'm so sorry you don't deserve any of that
G- thanks it's just hard
An- have you told Quinton
G- no
An- just take your time
G- yeah
We eat and decide to go to her apartment
An- let's make a Tiktok
G- ok
(Grace is Cynthia Madi is Anna)

Annashumate: Muah 💋 @GraceHall
User: damn

User: why did Grace look like she didn't care

User: is Grace Bi?

User: why does it matter if Grace is Bi leave her alone
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G- Anna can I tell you something
An- yeah sure
G- um I think I'm Bi
An- wait really
G- yeah
An- I'm proud of you
She hugs me
I smile
G- thank you
I get a call from Quinton
G: Hello
Q: tell Anna she can't steal you from me
An: yes I can
Q: no you can't I have a kid with her
An: ok and?
Q: no Bexlie you can't eat your Barbie dolls
Me and Anna laugh
G: it seems like your having some trouble so I'll talk to you later
Q: ok love you
G: love you too
He hangs up
An: let's watch a  movie
G: I'm down
We lay on the couch and watch a movie
After the movie I notice Anna sleeping
I go to the kitchen and grab a piece of paper and a pen and write that I left back to sway
I go to sway and as soon as I walk in I get slapped
I see mads
G- what the hell Mads
M- you kissed Jaden
G- he kissed me
She walks out
I go to Jaden's room
G- what the hell did you tell Mads
J- what
G- she slapped me because apparently I kissed you
J- I told her that I kissed you
I walk out to Quinton's room and see he's sleeping on his bed
I walk to him and kiss his cheek
G- I love you so much baby
I get up and go to my room and think for about 35 minutes if I should make this tiktok but I decide to

GraceHall: *no caption*
BryceHall: I'm so proud of you Grace I love you
Grace: I love you too

Addisonrae: I love you so much Bebe
Grace: I love you too

Avanigregg: omg I'm so happy for you babe
Grace: thanks Vani

Kiocyr: YES BESTIE❤️
Grace: ❤️

User: how does Quinton take this
Grace: 🤷‍♀️ he's sleeping

Tiktokroom: 👀
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Someone knocks on my door
G- come in
Quinton walks in and shuts the door
He sits next to me
Q- your Bi?
I look down and tears fill my eyes and I nod
G- I'm sorry
He pulls me into his chest and I cry
Q- don't be sorry silly I will still love you no matter what your mine and I'm yours
He kisses my head and I look at him
He kisses me
Idea from @dragonfly4282
Bexlie walks in crying
G- what's wrong baby
Be- my tummy hurts
Q- come here princess
She crawls into his lap and lays her head in his chest
He rubs her tummy
She starts gagging and he runs her to the bathroom and she throws up
I rub her back
I grab a towel and wipe her mouth
Quinton kisses her head
I feel her forehead
G- holy shit she's burning
Quinton feels her cheeks
I run upstairs and grab the thermometer
I take her temperature
G- 103.2
Q- we gotta go to the hospital
We go upstairs
Jh- where are y'all going
G- the hospital Bexlie has a 103.2 fever
K- oh shit
We go to the hospital and they put ice packs on her head and give her popsicles to keep her temperature down
We end up going back to sway
Be- mama I still don't feel good
G- I know baby it's ok
I take her downstairs and we sit in my room
Be- throw up
G- you gotta throw up
She nods
I take her to the bathroom and she vomits
I brush her teeth and take her to my room
I put a bucket by the bed and put a fan by her
I put her in just a pull-up so she's not hot
G- if you need anything I'll be in daddy's room ok?
I Brush a strand of hair out of her face
Be- don't be gone for long please I want you to lay with me
G- I'll be back don't worry
I go to Quinton's room
Q- where's Bex
G- in my bed and she told me not to be long because she wants to lay with me
I lay on his chest
Q- I feel horrible for her
G- me too she keeps throwing up
Q- she might have food poisoning
G- it could be
I get up and go to my room
G- yeah baby
Be- cbs you sing to me
G- of course
I shut my door and lay with her
I start whisper singing to her

I look at her and notice she's sleeping
I kiss her cheek and go upstairs
A- Grace save me
G- from what
A- Jaden is chasing me-
He starts running when he sees Jaden
A- Ahhhhh
I laugh and go to my car
I see my guitar and decide to make a Tiktok

GraceHall: I love this song
User: she's actually good at guitar

User: so are just pretending like Cynthia and Lauren didn't expose that she had a miscarriage and that she said she was Bi
User: it doesn't matter it's none of our business what happens in her personal life let her live

User: I love your voice so much
Grace: thank you!!

User: her voice can make my day 100% better anytime

User: she's literally perfect
Grace: I'm very far from it I promise you
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I drive to a restaurant and get chicken noodle soup for Bexlie
I go home
Gr- what's that it smells good
G- it's soup for Bex
I walk down to my room
G- Bex baby wake up you gotta eat
Be- I not hungry
G- you gotta eat baby and take medicine
Be- ok
She sits up and says her soup then I give her medicine
G- are you feeling any better
She shakes her head no
I kiss her head
G- you'll be ok baby
I put her water bottle on the side table
Be- can you get uncle bry
G- of course I'll be right back
I go upstairs
G- Bryce Bex wants you
B- ok
He goes downstairs

GraceHall: this is a draft but I love you
User: ooo you got the guitar are you working on new songs?

User: I really needed to hear this thank you
Grace: I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you❤️

User: you inspire me so much and make me feel so loved. When I started watching your tiktoks or YouTube videos and listening to your songs I felt like I finally found someone I could relate to and I just really wanna thank you for everything you've done for me❤️
Grace: omg your gonna make me cry I love you so much and I'm happy I can help you if you ever need anything my DM's are open
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