Book.2 Part.8

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I look in the box and see.......

My miscarriage papers
I drop them and run to the car
I drive to Cynthia and Lauren's house knowing the boys followed me
I run in without knocking
Anna asks me what I'm doing but I don't answer her
I see Lauren
G- what the hell is wrong with you
She turns and sees me she smirks
Cynthia stands up and walks to Lauren's side
Cy- I'm guessing you seen your present
I punch her in the face
An- what the hell is going on
Cynthia pushes me
I jump at her and punch her again
She falls to the ground and Lauren goes at me
I punch her first and she also falls
I start punching Lauren non-stop
An- Grace stop
I hear the boys asking where we were and the girls screaming for me to stop
I feel arms wrap around my waist and try to pull me up but I don't stop
Q- baby your gonna kill her stop
G- good
Bryce helps Quinton stop me and they pull me off Lauren
Cy- what the hell Grace you almost killed her just like you killed your baby
I pull Quinton off me and start punching Cynthia
G- shut the fuck up
I cry out of anger
The boys pull me off again
G- your dead Cynthia dead
Q- cmon Grace let's go
G- stop Quinton
I try to get out of his grip
Q- stop Grace
He lets go of me
I death stare Cynthia and Lauren
G- if I ever see you again I will kill you
I walk out to my car
Someone grabs me
B- no your not driving like this
G- Bryce stop please
B- Grace I'll drive you home
G- no I want to be alone
B- I can't let you drive like this
I break down not being able to hold it in any longer
G- why do they have to do this to me
B- Grace let's just go home
G- please let me drive home myself
B- no
He picks me up and puts me in the passenger seat
He gets in the drivers seat
Bryce's POV
We get home and I look over to see Grace sleeping
I get her out and walk inside
I see all the boys sitting in the living room
B- I'm gonna put her in her room I'll be back up
I carry her to her room put her in bed and take her makeup off
I go back up
B- where's the papers
Quinton gives me them
I rip them all till you can't notice what they say anymore
Q- why did you do that
B- because if that got out do you know how fucking devastated she would be I don't want to see Grace in the same mind set she was back at home ever again especially now that she has Bexlie
Jh- let's just go to bed and talk tomorrow
We all go to bed
Graces POV
I wake up and look at my phone
I go to the bathroom and look at my hands
There all beat up and bruised
I look at myself in the mirror
G- I hate you Grace Hall
I go to my bed and try to fall asleep but I can't
I get leggings and a sports bra on and go upstairs
I go outside and go on a run
I go to my thinking spot
I sit there and think for a couple hours then run back to the house
I get back and it's 6:16
I go to the gym and start working out
I do pull ups sit ups bench presses push ups and stuff like that
I go inside and get a drink of water
I sit down at the island for 19 minutes and go back to working out
I go inside and start making everyone breakfast
the boys all come down and sit at the island
Q- are you gonna eat
G- I already ate
J- did you work out already
G- yeah
B- what time did you wake up
G- 4:30 then I went on a run somewhere sat there for a couple hours came back and worked out
K- so when did you eat
G- before I called you guys down
I lied
I go back to my room and take a shower
I go back upstairs
B- I know you didn't eat I looked at the camera
G- ok so what I'm not hungry I'm fine
I grab my keys
B- where are you going
G- to get Bexlie
Quinton stands up
Q- nope your not driving like this especially with her in the car
I throw him my keys
G- then you go pick her up
I go back down to my room
Quinton's POV
Grace goes back downstairs
B- just let her calm down she's definitely not over yesterday
Q- I'm gonna go get Bexlie
I leave and go to Larri's house
I walk up and knock on the door
I see Bexlie and Larri behind her
I pick her up
Q- hi princess did you have fun
Be- mhm we went swimming and played with barbies
Q- it sounds like you had fun thank you Larri
I give him money
La- no don't pay me for watching her
Q- please just take it
La- fine
He takes the money
Brady hands me her bag and we leave
We get back to sway
Be- mama mama mama mama
Q- you'll see mama in a second
I get her out and walk in
Be- mama!!!
Grace comes upstairs
G- hi
She takes Bexlie
Be- guess what
G- what
Be- Larri got me barbies
G- that's cool go down to my room and get them out I'll come down and play in a minute ok
Be- ok
She runs down to the room with the bag
G- I'm going with the girls to the Maldives for a couple days
B- when are you leaving
G- tomorrow
B- why didn't you say anything earlier
G- because I just talked to them why does it matter so much
B- because you have a daughter that you need to take care of
Q- it's fine Bryce I can watch her she's my kid
G- no it's ok I'll stay here
She goes back down to her room with Bexlie
Q- Bryce she needs to get away with the girls she needs time just let her have fun with them
B- I never said she couldn't
J- you kinda hinted that she shouldn't go
I walk down to Grace's room
G- hey
Q- hey
I sit down next to the girls
Q- go with the girls
G- it's ok Quin I'll stay
Q- no your gonna go and relax with the girls I'll stay with Bexlie
Be- we're you going mama
G- I'm gonna go with my friends for a couple days
Be- so I'm not gonna see you
G- I'll call you everyday ok
Be- ok
She starts playing with her dolls again
G- I'm going to take a shower
Q- ok
I play dolls with Bexlie while Grace takes a shower
Be- daddy?
Q- yeah baby?
Be- if you and mama have more kids will you stop loving me
I grab her and pull her on my lap
Q- no baby me and mama will never ever stop loving you
I kiss her head
Be- otay
Q- you and your mom our my favourite girls in the world I love You both so much
Be- I love you too
She kisses my cheek And starts playing with her toys again
Grace's POV
I take a shower then get out and change

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