Book.2 Part.6

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Grace's POV
I wake up with Quinton and Bexlie
I try getting out of bed but Quinton grabs me
Q- don't leave
G- Quinton I'm gonna make breakfast
Q- I wanna come
G- go back to sleep
Q- no
He gets out of bed and grabs my hand
We go upstairs
G- can you grab the flour I'm too short🥺
Q- your really cute
He grabs the flour out of the top shelf
G- thank you
I start making the pancake mix
Quinton wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my cheek
Q- I'm gonna be 18 in two weeks
G- yeah then I'm gonna be 18 not long after
Q- what is Bexlie's birthday
G- August 28th
Q- so a couple weeks before mine
G- yeah
Q- are you sure you wanna make the video about Bex and our relationship today
G- yeah
Q- ok
I finish breakfast
no One comes down
The boys come running into the kitchen
J- I missed Grace's cooking
K- me too
They out there food in a plate and sat at the table
B- this is amazing
Q- your welcome
G- you didn't do shit
Q- I helped you get stuff from the top shelf so therefore I did do something
G- shit I forgot about Bexlie
The boys laugh
I go to Quinton's room and get Bexlie
G- Baby wake up I made breakfast
Be- otay
She gets up and we go to the kitchen
Q- morning princess
Be- mornin
She sits in the Chair next to Quinton
I get her a small pancake and cut it up and put A LOT of syrup on it because that's how she likes them
B- damn that's a lot of syrup
G- well that's how Bexlie eats her pancakes
I laugh
I set her plate in front of her and she starts eating
G- Larri wants me to go to his house today for some reason so I think I'm just gonna film the video there
Q- ok then I'll come with you
Gr- your filming the video about Bexlie today
G- yeah
We all finish eating
Me Quinton and Bexlie get dressed
I grab my swim suit and Bexlie's
G- are you ready to go
Q- yeah
We go out to the car and I call Larri
La: hey what's up
G: me and Quinton are on the way
La: ok
G: alright bye
La: bye
Quinton drives to Larri's
We get there and walk inside
La- hey bitch where's your cute mini human
Bexlie walks in behind me
L- hi Bex
Bexlie runs to Larri
Be- hi!
Q- she's definitely not shy
G- I guess not Uh Larri can we film the video here
La- yeah of course my studio is downstairs
G- ok
We all go downstairs
I set the camera up and start it
G- hi guys I don't really have an intro but I'm Grace Hall
Q- I'm Quinton
G- uh today we're gonna just be talking about some things
Q- yup some things
I laugh
G- uh I guess we can start with our relationship
Q- I hate her
G- yeah me and Quinton don't actually like each other
Q- no we're fucking around uh we're doing again
G- yep
Q- so that's cool
G- yep
We laugh
G- the second thing and main reason were making this video is the kid
I grab Bexlie
G- this is Bexlie Rose Hall she's 1 and she's my daughter
Be- hi
G- I found out I was pregnant two or three months after I left uh I was dating this guy I'm not gonna say his name but he did a DNA test and we found out he wasn't Bexlie's father uh Dixie was the only person who knew where I was and that I had a kid and she convinced me to come back to LA so Noah and Dixie came and got me and Bexlie and we came back to LA. I moved in with Dixie at her apartment and they were trying to get me to go to the sway house but I wouldn't because I left for a year 1/2 and then came back with a child but they got me to go and we caught up Dixie told me that Quinton should do a DNA test to see if he was the father and they came back and he is she Bexlie is mine and Quinton's child
Q- yeah
G- what do you wanna say Bex
Be- I wove youuu
She points to the camera
Me and Quinton laugh
Q- I think that clears up everything
G- oh uh I have music coming soon
Q- it's fire
La- hiii Bitches
Bexlie giggles making us laugh
La- you guys when I tell you these two made an actual angel I mean it like she's so precious and she looks like Grace but with Quinton's hazel eyes and his mouth
G- her eyes are like hazel and Green
Q- Bex what Color are mamas eyes
Be- Blue
G- good job
She claps
Be- I wanna swim daddy
Q- ok we'll go swimming
G- alright well that's it's for the video love you guys
Q- Bex say bye love you
Be- bye wove you
She makes tiny heart with her hands
We all smile and laugh
The video ends
We go upstairs and I change into my bathing suit also changing Bexlie into her's
We walk out
Quinton looks at Bexlie
Q- your 1 year old daughter has abs Grace
G- she goes on walks with me
Q- she's gonna turn into bryce with working out
G- I really hope not
We go outside and swim for a little
We go home and hang out with the boys and do random stuff

Bryce's sister book 2 Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant