im dearly sorry lol(preview)

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I'm an idiot who doesn't have ideas

nobody is probably going to see this, but I'm taking request sense I have no idea what I want to do(i have a small one though)

I d e a s? please <3

also text style or should I use them all?

¨Isen is dumb asf¨ as blyke snikered 

Bykle: Isen is dumb asf (im more hesitant to do this one unless its a chatfic)

Bykle retorted at his statement and proceed to call Isen dumb asf

Chatfic or The usual one?

or should I have no specific one cause nobody is going to read this

Anyways please give feedback, if someone reads this lmao゚.+:。(≧∇≦)ノ゚.+:。

Have a good day!

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