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" Shuuichi, I told you, you can call me Rantarou. It's fine... I don't mind it."

" I-If you say so... Here's your coffee like usual."

" Thank you. You're seriously the best. I honestly wouldn't know what to do without you."

" *Sigh*"

Things are a lot for me right now, school is kinda getting a little more stressful for me. Kokichi and Momota-Kun keep arguing more and more and I'm glad that their relationship isn't abusive, but it is very toxic. They break up every other day and then get back together with extremely loud bed breaking sex, I haven't slept in our room In two weeks. I keep telling Kokichi that he needs to end this relationship, but he doesn't want to listen to me. On top of everything my little brothers are telling me that our parents are fighting more and more, they say that the police has came to our house over 20 times for domestic disturbance. My dad has called me while he was drunk and just broke down crying saying how he believes that my mom is having an affair.

" Is something bothering you, Shuuichi?"

" You could say that..."

" Do you wanna talk about it? I don't mind if you vent your frustration out on me."

" Actually, I kinda do wanna talk to someone about it, thanks."

There was a black leather sofa in his office and we both sat down on it.

" So, talk to me."

" There's... A lot... First of all, Kokichi is really starting to worry me, he's in an on and off relationship with his boyfriend, they break up like every other day and then they make up with aggressive sex and it's all the time, I'm getting  fucking sick of it!! I care about Kokichi, but I can't do it anymore."

" Have you talked to him about this?"

" I tried, but he doesn't want to listen to me..."

" Well, when they get tired of this back and forth, they do what's right and end it."

" I wish that was true..."

" I just don't understand, why do they have sex EVERYDAY?!?!"

" Have you never had sex before?"

" N-no..."

" Is that right...?"

He moved slightly closer to me, I started to blush slightly.

" Is there anything else bothering you?"

" Yeah, my parents..."

" What about them?"

" From what my little brothers are telling me they're fighting a lot more, they can't even stand to be in the same room together. My dad calls me drunk late at night and just starts breaking down and crying and saying how he needs me to come home. I... I feel terrible, I love both of my parents and want them to stay together... For my little brothers sakes."

" You have 3 younger brothers, right? How old are they?"

" They're 9. And they're really going through this... I feel like I should go back home. What do you think I should do?"

" Well, Shuuichi. I'm really not sure what you should, this kind of situation is tough, I remember when my parents got divorced, I was 13, it really wasn't easy on me or my younger sisters. We wanted our family to stay together more than anything. In an attempt to get our family back I threw myself down a flight of stairs and for the time being it worked, they were showing more emotion to each other than I ever saw while they were fighting, but when I got out of the hospital they went back to fighting. After the divorce it wasn't long until my dad remarried, I hated my stepmother for the longest time, not because she was mean or anything In fact she's really nice and generous. I hated her because she was replacing my mom. It took me 10 years to finally accept my stepmother. Sorry, I got off track, but Shuuichi, it really does get better, it takes time and if you feel that you need to go back home and help your brothers you should do that, I'll give you as much time off as you possibly need."

I'm Fucking My Boss {Saimami}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें