Start from the beginning

"Heh! You think me vile? What, then, do you make of the one who cursed us?"

Finn lools frustrated. "She was trying to make you mortal again!"

Elijah grabs a knife off the table, clearly suspicious and annoyed by Finn's words.

"And, you both refused her." He laughs darkly. "It only proves how far you've fallen. But, I expect Rebekah will have a different response to her proposal."

At the park, Rebekah turns and sees a starling watching her from the nearby playground.

"See, unlike the two of you, she always did cling to her humanity."

Elijah spats angrily. "Rebekah is off-limits to you. You pursue her, and you will suffer."

Finn and Kol both look surprised and slightly concerned by Elijah's uncharacteristic outburst, as does Klaus.

"Do not let him goad you, Elijah. Neither he, nor Esther, will find Rebekah unless she wants to be found." He turns to Finn. "And she does not."

Finn shrugs. "Esther is quite determined."

At the park, Rebekah looks incredibly unnerved by the starling. When she turns back again, an entire flock of starlings have perched themselves on the playground, all of them watching her. Her face changes from uncomfortable to alarmed.

"She's been searching for Rebekah since the day she returned. I imagine it's only a matter of time."

Elijah completely loses his temper, grabs Finn by the collar, and slams him onto the table before vamping-out and feeding on him.

Klaus has pulled Elijah away from Finn and shoves him against a nearby wall. Elijah puts his hands up defensively, so Klaus backs off. He tugs Elijah's handkerchief out of his jacket pocket and hands it to him so he can clean himself up.

"I enjoy a good bloodletting as much as anyone, but our brothers have power, as well as knowledge of Esther's plans." Elijah wipes the blood off his face while he listens.

"We need them alive."

Elijah whispers. "Imagine what they would do to Rebekah, Elizabeth, Hope. To Rosie."

"Rebekah has been cloaked by powerful magic. Kol would never hurt Elizabeth nor Hope since Elizabeth loves Hope. Focus on the task at hand."

Klaus lowers his voice and looks around to make sure Finn and Kol aren't eavesdropping.

"We need to persuade our brothers."

"I'm through with persuasion."

Elijah is about to leave, but Klaus grabs him by the shoulder and stops him before looking at him with concern.

"Has the earth shifted on its axis? You needing restraint from me?"

Elijah looks taken aback, but he's distracted when his phone rings. He pulls it out of his pocket and answers it when he sees its Rebekah. He picks hearing Rebekah stress.

"It's me. I have the baby, and we're on the run. Esther found us. We're safe, for now—I've lost her bloody starlings, but I have no idea where to go."

DAGGER IN YOUR HEART - k.mikaelson ✓Where stories live. Discover now