Chapter 3

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Roman and Brain entered as quietly as possible. It was pretty late at night, and the last thing they wanted to do was wake up Pinky.

Romy went straight to his room and began unpacking his belongings. Brain had explained how Pinky, after the "loss" of his son, had packed everything pertaining to Romy into boxes.

Brain went over to his and Pinky's bed. He noticed 3 things:

1: Everything was as he left it.

2: Pinky was still sleeping on the left side of the bed, even though he wasn't there.


3: Pinky was still awake.

Or at least... semi-awake.

There were whimpers and sniffles from under the covers.

Brain wasn't quite sure what to do.

He's never been the best at comforting people, but let him be damned if he didn't at least try for Pinky's sake.

He cleared his throat.


Dazzling blue eyes peeked above the covers, still a little teary.

"Buh- Brain?!"

His tongue felt dry.

"Yes, it's me Pinky."

"Are... are you a hieroglyph? Narf."

"No Pinky. I am not a hologram."

Pinky scanned Brain's eyes for a second, then jumped up and hugged him, sobbing.

"Oh Brain, I thought I lost you forever!"

"I... wait, what's that?"

"What's what Brain? Troz."

"There's something pressing into my abdomen."

"Oh that's MY ab-dominos! I think because you were gone the scientists were trying to turn me into you!"

"Whatever do you mean Pinky?"

Pinky backed up to show Brain.

"Well, they gave me the same tummy that you have! Aaaaand, they made me not want to run around on my wheel, which is usually so fun fun silly willy! Poit! They took it out of the cage last time I tried."

Brain carefully added the details to his list. He didn't want to jump to conclusions, but it was proving more difficult than previously expected.

"Anything else?"

"Hmm. Well... I keep forgetting to eat, and you do that all the time! And..." his eyebrows scrunched in thought. "Troz! And the cheese hasn't been very yummy like it normally is. Maybe they're making my tongue into yours, you never like the cheese."

Brain didn't like the cheese because it was moldy, but he kept his mouth shut. There was worse matters to deal with.

"You haven't been eating? How long has it been since you last consumed anything?"

"Costume? Poit?"


"Oh! Zort! Um... they gave me cheese!"


"Before I went to sleep."


"Mhmm. The cheese wasn't very good though. There was no green fuzzies on it. Narf."

"Pinky! You haven't eaten since yesterday?"

The taller mouse's stomach growled in response.

"... I'll assume that's an affirmative."

There was a loud crash, and Pinky immediately scampered over to it. There was a grunt as a small figure pulled himself up from a pile of things.

"Ugh. Sorry Dad, that was do not narf of me."

Pinky gasped.


The younger mouse seemed to notice that the mouse at the door was, in fact, not the one he addressed, but a smile lit up his face anyway.

"Heya Pops! Long time no poit."

"Oh I dunno, Romy, I said that a few minutes ago. Poit. OH! There it is again." He laughed and scooped up his son in a hug. "I missed you!"

Brain appeared at the door, and in a flash he looked panicked.

"Pinky, put him down! We don't know what's wrong with you yet."

"Wrong with me? Troz! Whatever do you mean Brain?"

"You... you just..."

"Ohhh, that. We already know what's going on, zort. They're turning me into you. Oh! But now that you're back they don't need to! Narf."

"Turning you into Dad?" Roman inquired. "What're you talking about?"

Pinky was about to elaborate, but Brain hushed him.

"I can describe the situation to you later, Roman. As for now, Pinky needs to eat something and go to bed."

Roman notched an eyebrow.

"He hasn't eaten at all today Roman, don't give me that look."

The mouse in question answered with a smirk, and Brain grumbled. Of course the clone had adopted their combined wit.

"Well, I'll leave you two to it. Gotta finish unpacking everything."

"Very well Roman. Goodnight."

Pinky, who had left the room long ago due to boredom, popped back in.

"Goodnight Romy! Sleep tight! Don't let the beep bugs bite!"

"Beep bugs?"

"Nasty critters, they are."

Roman offered a genuine smile.

"Whatever you say, Pops."

"I love you Romy."

Pinky pulled his clone in for a hug, who quickly reciprocated.

"Love you too, Pops."

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2021 ⏰

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