Chapter 2

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"Brain where are you?"

Romy cringed at the brokenness in his father's voice. He hated hearing it. He wanted nothing more than to go in and comfort Pinky, but if there was anything he got from Brain, it was his ineptitude in the "comfort" department. Besides, he knew he had to finish his job before he got distracted.

He quietly scampered away from the cage, out the door, and hitched a ride on a garbage truck. The garbage truck took him several blocks east, and he got off in front of a graffiti filled alley. He waltzed over to a hole underneath a big spray painted "E" and entered into the abandoned lab.

"How is he?"

"Hello to you too, Dad."

Romy got met with a "Come on." stare.

"He's... not good. How many times have you checked on him since you left?"


"Jeez, this is the first time, isn't it?"

"So what if it is, Roman? He's a grown mouse, he can take care of himself. You should consider it odd that I checked in on him at all."

Roman pulled himself onto the counter where his father was working on on newest project.

"Dad, do you seriously believe he's doing well? That he can take care of himself?"

Brain paused his work for a moment to look at his son.

"Seriously Roman, what would give me any idea he couldn't? He always 'cooks' dinner for us, he knows how the water bottle functions, and he enjoys running on that wheel of his. He has his main necessities dealt with."

"Does he? Because I've been watching him all day, just as you asked. And you know what? He stayed in bed all day. The only time he got up was when the scientists took him back to the machine room. He didn't eat anything, drink anything, or run on his wheel! The only time he spoke was to tic or ask where you were in the most heartbreaking voice I've ever heard. I think you kinda broke him by leaving, Dad."

Brain dropped his screwdriver, rapidly swiveling to face his son. He grabbed Roman by the shoulders, a sentiment that shocked the taller mouse.

"The scientists WHAT? Did you see what they did? Did you notice any changes to Pinky's physical attributes? Any odd behavior displayed other than that of what you've already listed?"

"Woah, woah, woah Dad, slow down. What happened to Pops being able to care for himself?"

"Roman, think. Pinky always gets sent in for projects that require more pain resistance. It gives them the best results! It is extremely unlike him to display such lethargy! For Ptolemy's sake Roman, what could they have done to him?"

"Hey, hey, calm down Dad. If you're so worried about Pops, why dontcha' go back? It's pretty narfin' obvious he misses you."

Brain entered thinking mode, pacing back and forth.

"Careful, ya might wear a groove in the table."

"Roman, do I even deserve him?"

"Whatcha mean Dad?"

"He... he always forgives me, no matter what misdeed I commit." He plopped down on the counter with a sigh. "What I said before I left... why, no one would be deserving of that. Especially not Pinky."

Romy calmly sat next to his father.

"Listen, I think we can both agree Pops deserves the world. Whatever you said, he clearly doesn't hold it against you. By staying here, you're punishing HIM, not yourself. And that's totally.... not narf."

Brain put his head in his hands.

"By Archimedes, you're right Roman. But... how am I to just... waltz back into his life after being gone a month?"

"The same way you walk through a door, Pa. Do it, and if there happens to be something unsavory on the other side, oh well."

There was a moment of silence as Brain rose from the floor and offered Romy a hand.

"I suppose you're correct Roman. Well, best get to packing. The last shuttle bus from here to Acme leaves in ten minutes."

"Coolio. I'll come with you. Been a while since I paid Pops a visit... formally, at least."

Brain offered a nod as he went to pack his things.

"And Dad?"

The mouse in question turned around.

"You've been wanting to go back, haven't you? You have all the vehicle routes to and from Acme memorized."

A dusting of blush lit up Brain's cheeks.

"How observant of you."

Romy took that as a yes.

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