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Lucas entered his car and drove away.

"What am I thinking?", He felt the heat rushing throughout his body and bit his nail.

He suddenly thought about his best friend, Jihoon. He promised him that he would help Y/N finish their project early so that she and Jihoon could have a date.

He doesn't know why he acted the opposite earlier. They ended up doing something else instead of their project.

The thought of you again made him all hot.


He reached his house and saw his parents with other people. They were all going to have dinner tonight.

He immediately ran to his room, removed his clothes, and entered the shower.

While getting a cold shower, he suddenly remembered everything that happened earlier, again. Your face popped up into his head.

He took a deep breath. "Fuck.", He thought.

After he finished showering, he went downstairs and met the guest of his parents.

"Oh my! What a handsome kid!", The woman exclaimed. He thanked them and acted shy. He shakes hands with them and exchanged stories.

While the food is serving, the bell suddenly rang.

"Oh. I'll get it." Lucas smiled at his parents and the guest.

He opened the door.

You are standing there, wearing a black, tight dress, and holding a purse.

You looked at him. "What are you doing here?", Your eyes widened.

"This is my house. What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Huh? Then where is this?", you handed him a paper with address.

He looked at the paper with his address. "Is Mrs. and Mr. (L/N), your parents?"

"Oh god.", you sighed.

He lead the way to the dining hall, you met with your parents and greeted Lucas' parents.

While eating, weird thoughts are going inside Lucas' head.

"Are they going to force marriage us?"

"Is it forced though?"

"We just made out earlier"

Her mom suddenly spoke. "Doesn't (Y/N) look good, Lucas-ah?"

He choked on his food and you immediately gave him water.

"Thank you.", He glanced at you but looked away immediately. "Uhh..", He gulped. "Yeah, she is.", He added and looked down.

You looked away and softly laughed.

Everyone finished eating. The work/loving people started talking businesses.

"Why don't you take (Y/N) to your room?", The maid whispered to Lucas. "O-okay."

The maid also whispered that you should go with Lucas.

Both of you walked in silence. He gestured that "You should go first" in the stairs but he looked at your dress and quickly goes first. You entered his room, and to your surprise, it was neat and all clean.

"I didn't know you were this quiet at your house.", You spoke out of the blue, breaking the silence.

He sat in his bed watching your back as you roam around his room. He couldn't take his eyes of off you. And just when your about to look at him, he would just look away.

Since both of you are popular at school, it's not a surprise for you to think Lucas made out with a lot of people. Maybe possibly did it with other too...Your cheeks reddened because of your own thoughts. You decided to not give it a deep thought because it's maybe not even a big deal to him.

On the other hand, Lucas knew about the tension you both have and that it always existed from the beginning but this time, there's no doubt that it became stronger.

Is it because he tease you at school everyday?

Is it because you weren't attracted at him? Does it make you a bit different with other girls?

Everything just goes into his mind. It's making him crazy.

"(Y/N)?", He called you.

You walked to him and sat beside hum. "Yeah?"

"What...What do you think about Jihoon?", He looked down.

For a second, you thought that he would talk about the two of you making out.

"Uhm...He's cute,"

"I like him.", You added.

Even though it wasn't intentional, the words just came out of your mouth. It's true, you like Jihoon.

He chuckled. It was truly dumb of him to even ask you that. What happened to the both of you is really just an accident...


You and Lucas spent the time talking and laughing about each other and the project... even though it gets awkward and you both get distracted at each other.

Lucas can't look at your face straight but eventually he will get distracted when he accidentally glanced at your body. It made him the thought of his body pressing again against yours.

You, on the other hand gets distracted, when you saw Lucas and his habit of biting his lips. Though you probably don't realize it, it somehow made you feel something weird in the pit of your stomach.

Finally , your mother called you up. Saying you'll have to go home now.

"So...I...Uhm? I'll see you tomorrow.", Lucas blushed and avoided eye contact with you. It was too embarrassing for him to say this.

"What are you getting shy about? It doesn't suit you.", You threw him a disgusted face and chuckled.

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