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Y/N woke up before her alarm started which, is very rare. It is currently 6:30 AM. She yawned and did her routine, then wore the school uniform.

Today is her first day in a new school. It's not like she's excited. She felt like looking forward to it.

There was no breakfast ready in the dining room because her parents rarely go home. They're both a business person and decided to live in a place close to their office; they love working, no one can't take their work away from the two.

She stopped at a nearby cafe shop to buy donuts she'll eat while driving her way to school.

Why is there traffic? I left the house early.

Y/N glanced at her wristwatch. It's currently 7:48 AM but, the first class will start at 8:00 AM. She started doubting if she'll get on time.


9:15 AM

It's not always like this. Y/N always showed up early in her old school.

Maybe it's just not my day.

Y/N shook the thought away. She wants her first day in class to be a good impression of hers. But here she is, late in classes. It's not even because she woke up late or anything. It's just because of the freaking traffic.

The only thing she hears right now is the sound of her shoes as she ran through the corridor.

She scanned the text written at the top of every classroom.






She stopped at the door, she panted.

Someone was running too beside her. She couldn't care about who it is as she was too busy trying to catch her breath and fixing her uniform.

The door handle is in front of her face. As she was about to grab it, someone grasped it first.

They looked at each other.

"Thank y-"

"Bleh, I came in first."

very tall guy interrupted her and stuck his tongue out. He hurried into the classroom first.

Y/N stood outside the classroom, confused as hell. She was going to thank him.

"What the hell was that?"

"Do you want to enter the classroom? or do I have to make you stand there the whole day?"

The teacher in her 40s standing in front of the class crossed her arms at Y/N.

Y/N's face turned a bit red in embarrassment.

Fuck this.

She entered the class and went to the front.

"This is Y/N, please introduce yourself.", The teacher said.

"I'm Full/N. You can call me Y/N."

She bowed. "Please take care of me."

The class stared at her in silence, awe-ing her beauty.

What's happening? She stood there awkwardly, then someone applauded and made everyone applauded too. She has asked to sit next to the girl named ___.

She scanned the room and found a girl waving her hand while smiling at her causing her to smile back.

I guess that's ___.

But then Y/N's eyes shifted into the tall, weird guy earlier who was sitting right at the back of her seat. He's also the one who applauded earlier.

She saw him peacefully staring outside the opened window, not paying attention to anything. She cleared her voice, adjusted the desk, and sat down, minded her own business.

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