Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

I disable the other two men quickly. "Thanks," Tara breathes.

"No problem." I aim my fist and clock someone under the chin. "Just stay-" kick "-close to me!"

"Sure," Tara says, and that's all I hear before I let my ability take over again. The next two guys come at me in slow motion, and I have enough time after I knock them out to check up on Carlos. He's doing fine, although he's sweating.

Chaste is invisible, but over to my right I see men grunting as their heads are knocked to the side or as they keel over their stomachs. I grin and turn back to the next man as he lunges.

Soon, however, my slow motion starts speeding up slightly. They're getting closer to hitting me or grabbing me, I'm dodging with inches to spare. A man slips behind me and I turn to defend Tara, but she's kicked him hard between the legs. The pride that fills me shows up on my face and I turn back around- and he's there.

Jared, in his stained white shirt and torn jeans, is heading straight for me.

I gasp, unable to look away, and then I'm knocked roughly to the side. Pain shoots up my left side and I cry out. I force myself to focus and in a flash the offender is on the ground.

I shoot my gaze back up to where Jared was. Carlos has saved the day and the two are engaged in battle. I remind myself not to watch for too long and am occupied with the next four guys that come my way. One of them manages to scratch me on the face, and I'm panting by the time I'm done with them. As I move on to another man I hope Tara is all right.

There's a resounding crack, and I turn and see something I never want to see again- Jared's face, broken. His nose is skewed and bleeding, and his jaw looks very, very broken, jutting out from his cheek on one side. As quickly as I see it, the process corrects itself. His jaw pops into place, then his nose, and his cheek heals over, leaving only the blood staining his face.

Then Jared jumps at Carlos. At the same time a fist comes for my face and I avoid it by a hair.

The man fighting me is quicker than any of the other ones. I find myself on the defense for longer, barely avoiding his blows and grabs. I manage to clip the side of his head, but then a blow hits my stomach, making me double over. Sickening waves of pain roll of my midsection, but I bring my leg up hard and land a kick in man's sensitive area. He yells and doubles over, and with an elbow to the temple he's out.

"Thank goodness," I groan, breathing hard. Even though the air is cold, heat has built up in me and all I want to do is sit down and catch my breath.

There aren't that many men left, so I take the opportunity look around for Tara. Only can't find her. Then I hear a yell. Two guys are holding Chaste, which looks odd since he's invisible. One of them aims at the air between his fist and the other man's fist and lands a punch. Carlos, who is torn and bleeding and exhausted, is still preoccupied with Jared. I compose myself and dart over to Chaste, kicking one guy in the back to get his attention. A few punches later, he's down, and Chaste has taken care of the second guy.

"I can't hold up much longer," I pant.

Chaste reappears briefly, and I see that his arm is bleeding. He's also redfaced and breathing hard. "Same here. Who knew escaping could be this difficult?"

"Before today I've never even punched anyone," I complain. "How are we going to defeat Jared? Look, he just keeps healing."

Chaste shakes his head. "Watch out." Then he vanishes, and I desperately jump out of the way as a man charges at me. I'm barely faster than the average person at this point, so when I kick him in the stomach he catches my shoe. Then I hear a thunk, and the man's eyes, the only part of his face I can see, roll back in his head and he falls over.

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