The Sea Calls

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My ship now sails on ill tidings
And the saltwater sea stings
The rope burn on our sullied hands
Gone is the calm and cooling spray
That guides to riches in far off lands
When dreams of gold plague the night

The sea pulls our ship asunder
A cruel mistress, we would die to her
If not for a cove of stone and sand
Of which to lay my salt rocked skin
I reach up a bloodied hand
My land lived days seem immemorial
No time of day, only duck and dawn
Only the sea with her beauty ethereal
Gives me strength to hold on

Not the sea but a maiden laid bare
Streaks of red through windswept hair
And a voice as sweet as summer song
She calls to me with arms outreached
My sun basked senses have forgone
A short swim through treacherous path
I make my way to stony cove
A woman worth Poseidon's wrath
Found in the woman my treasure trove

A song like no other she does sing
My heart beats as gull on wing
I be as closer with beauty in eye
While the sun bathes her golden skin
Her unburdened body bares all to sky
Begging a lonely sailor shall come and
Oh how I gaze with lust
Overcome with need and must

She beckons me with a smile
But around her lays putrid and vile
Remians of piled flesh and bone
And rusted weapons that once bore arm
She sits upon nauseous throne
Her eyes cut knives intent to harm

My love's illusion now falls apart
I plunge harpoon through her heart
A song turns to death's final screams
Scaled skin grows around the wound
In the evening red sun it gleams
A foolish man I, to ever assumed
Love found among lonely sea
In watery grave
Fate shall take me

A Hymn for the Dead - A Poetry Collection Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora