quarter two: minute eight

Start from the beginning

"you're right. honestly, if they were drinking and smoking just for the hell of it, that's not okay at all," jisoo finally says. "and it makes me realize that what i did, regardless of the situation i was in, was also not okay. i'm sorry for getting defensive about it."

sooyoung wraps her arms around jisoo's shoulders, giving her a tight squeeze.

"we all did stupid things. the point is that we don't do those stupid things anymore. we grow. and we learn. you were the one who told us that," sooyoung says with a soft smile. jisoo's eyes twinkle.

"be careful lee, i'm gonna catch feelings for you instead of your brother," jisoo teases. 

"bet. i'd treat you so much better anyway," sooyoung says, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"is my girlfriend seriously cheating on me with my sister? in front of me?" jeno asks, staring into the tv as if he were on a reality television show.

jisoo and sooyoung exchange a look and collapse into a fit of giggles. 

"is the two-soo couple finally becoming canon?" haechan asks, entering the lee apartment with two grocery bags.

"was that door unlocked?" jeno asks concernedly, glancing at the front door.

"yep," chenle says, coming up behind haechan, soft drinks in hand.

"you've got to start locking your door," jisung follows up, holding several boxes of pizza. 

"it's safety hazard, you know," renjun says solemnly, not even bothering to greet them, instead heading straight to the microwave to pop some popcorn.

sooyoung, jisoo, and jeno all look at each other in bewilderment, unable to comprehend the situation at hand. just then, there's a knock at the door and jaemin's standing there somewhat confusedly with binder full of dvd's balanced on top of a tower of fuzzy blankets.

"why is it that the one guy who actually has spare keys to this house and can just walk in knocks and the rest of you lot show up at my house uninvited," sooyoung says, hands on her hips.

"you're only intimidating when you're on a court, young-ie. otherwise, you're about as intimidating as, well, mr. rabbit," haechan says, head poking out of the kitchen.

sooyoung turns to jeno in betrayal.

"you told them about mr. rabbit?" the younger girl seethes and jeno visibly gulps, getting ready to sprint. sooyoung's about to tackle him (with jisoo helping her, no doubt), when suddenly, she's enveloped by a fuzzy jail of pink.

"na jaemin, get your fuzzy paws off of me, you monster!" sooyoung screeches, threatening to rain hell on him during practice. jaemin just smiles smugly, his arms holding her tightly in place.

"we don't have practice until next semester, marceline," jaemin replies. sooyoung stops fighting, standing still for a moment.

"hey, you ended up watching adventure time? nice job! which part are you at?" sooyoung asks, almost excitedly. jisoo can't help but giggle a little bit. for someone who tried so hard to be so intimidating, she really was a softie. like brother, like sister.

jaemin's heart almost melts at the tone of her voice, igniting the little spark in his heart that was turning more and more into a flame the more he spoke to her.

"yeah, cool, can we have this conversation when my best friend's arms are not wrapped around my sister?" jeno asks, eyes narrowing at the offending arms. it's then that jaemin realizes what position they were standing in and drops his arms immediately, stepping back with a sheepish grin.

"sorry dude, i didn't realize," jaemin says, hands lifted upwards as if he was being arrested. jeno stares for one more moment, and haechan swears that he can feel the temperature in the room drop from the iciness of the look, before nodding, tearing his faze away. 

"wait, you guys still haven't explained what you're doing here," jisoo says quickly, attempting to diffuse the tension. jaemin could kiss her for the topic change and saving his ass but he's pretty sure that would only serve to piss off jeno even more.

"oh yeah! well, since we're done with finals, we decided to come over for a little celebration," jisung says, eyes widening to signal to jisoo that he had caught her drift. jisoo presses a kiss to jeno's cheek, which melts him a little further, no longer shooting daggers at jaemin. sooyoung moves away from jaemin to sit on the other side of jeno, finally putting her older brother at ease.

if jeno was this protective over me hugging her, he's gonna skin me alive when he finds out i have feelings for her. 

"so what movie are we watching?" jeno says, accepting the tub of popcorn from renjun. 

"well, i was thinking extreme job because young-ie's new to korean cinema, and lee han-ee is hot," chenle says, plopping down with a bag of chips that had been scavenged from haechan's grocery bags.

"you're not wrong there," jisung says, tipping a cup of sprite in his best friend's direction.

"oh my god! is that the movie with ryu seung-ryeong? and the really cute guy - gong myung or something? ah! i've wanted to watch that movie for so long! you know, i actually heard that that movie was like second highest grossing..." jaemin doesn't hear the rest of serena's rambling.

he sighs, hanging his head in defeat.

jeno was going to skin him alive when he found out jaemin had feelings, real feelings, for his baby sister.


a/n: finally, we're getting some romance in this thing! also, y'all should actually watch extreme job; it's hilarious and super good :)

have a great day today loves! 

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