Chapter 8

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Hiss hiss bish

Tomling's pov

Two identical red heads appeared in the middle of the great hall causing everyone to be on guard except one person. This person happens to be an unusual little snake. Somehow this raven with sparkling, grassy gem eyes has captured my attention. Holding my interest captive. His hair of pure darkness looks so soft and fluffy. I could just imagine raking my fingers through his- WAIT W-WHAT AN I THINKING? Why would I even think of being near him? He's just another pawn in this game, right?

My thoughts were quickly pushed away when I heard a crash and hisses from a really, REALLY angry snake. "OI, I NEARLY BECAME A PANCAKE THANKS TO YOU TO BIG, OLD, RED-HAIRED WEASLES!!! I DARE YOU TO TRY TO SQUASH ME AGAIN AND YOU'LL BE NAGINI'S BIRTHDAY PRESENT!". My eyes widened slightly and the mention of Nagini. Before I could even process what happened, I heard my 'very well behaved' snake yell "I would love two weasels as a birthday present!!!". I gave Nagini a 'you WILL explain later" look and then turned back to see the two mysterious red heads laughing with my Hadrian. Hadrian seems so care free and pure smiling even if it's with those two extras.

Soon enough the two 'weasles' somehow got sorted into Slytherin. I stared at my little snake until it was time for my first lesson with the band of baboon's classmates. I started heading toward Transfiguration with a heavy hand squeezing on my cold heart. Why do I HATE the thought of those over-grown gingerbread men being near Hadrian? Why should I care? It's utterly ridiculous of me to even think of some 4th year so much! So caught up in my thoughts; I didn't even realise I was outside the door of Transfigurations. "something on your mind, Tomling~" Nagini hissed teasingly. I feel some heat climb its way to my cheeks for some mysterious reason. I just glared at Nagini and entered the lesson. Such a long lesson it was. Loosing house points for breathing thanks to dumb as a ducking door.

Time skip brought to you by moldy shorts losing a game of got your nose

Hadrian's/Harry's pov

After a long boringly easy day, walk back to the Slytherins dorms. I calmly state the password to a wall; looking like an idiot I must say. As I enter I notice a portrait. The border was a glistening silver cleaner that the Dursley's house (which I must say, being the person cleaning it, was very clean). In the portrait was an old familiar man holding a snake around his wrist like a bracelet.

The snake looked like a miniature, cuter version of the poor snake I had to kill in second year. It was just another one of those kill or be killed moments. I continued to stare at the portrait until it clicked. This is the portrait of Salazar Slytherin himself. I think back to what cutesy Tom with his diary said back or forward? in my second year. "speak to me, Slytherin, greatest of Hogwarts four". I hear a small hiss. Calmly, I turn back towards the sound to only see oh great Salazar and his tiny friend staring straight at me.

"Come here child and tell me where you've heard that phrase"

I mentally sigh, did I really just say that out loud in front of Salazar himself. I just have to thank lady luck that Tommy-boy wasn't here. I make my way to the other side of the common rooms emotionlessly to Salazar. They both start studying me before trying to start a conversation as if I am a book.

Finally, someone began by saying "His eyes are a beautiful shade of green".

I guessed the snake was hissing to Sal, but me being me, decided I'm going to make my life complicated and hiss a "thank you" back. Of course, the response I got back was silence with shock.

Out of nowhere, a pair of arms wrap around my shoulder forcing me down to the ground with someone. A care-free laugh floods my ears and I see my demons acting melodramatic. I turn to see Orion Black yet again attempting to be my friend. I let my walls fall and a smile crept warmly onto my face. This only causes Orion to beam brighter than the sun. My twins being my twins happen to synchronise pulling out sunglasses to shield their eyes. This was all good until a riddle and a less attractive version of my blondie walked in causing everyone's pureblood masks to go up. Orion's eyes sparkled with fear as Malfoy glared straight at him. They started towards us, eyes glued on petrified Orion.

"Marauder's heir says let them be gay!" I whisper-yell at the twins.

After hearing this they grin at each other, mischief overflowing their smiles. They throw a rainbow smoke bomb at both of them while I grab Orion's wrist and drag him into my dorm room. Soon enough the twins come in grinning like the Cheshire cat. The smoke bombs they used wasn't normal smoke bombs, they stained the whole person to be a colourful mess. It's easy enough to charm off but it comes back every time they say a colour. The only way for this to stop is to yell 'I accept the rainbow' in front of a minimum of 5 people.

I hear some small sniffs coming from Orion. Water was threatening to leak from his eyes. He whispers "thank you" before throwing himself on me. He hugs me tightly as if he's been deprived of love so I do what any other good person does. I drag Fred and George down to join the hug. I was lucky because I am the only one who roomed here therefore there's three double beds left in the room. Exactly enough for my new and old friends to sleep here. Ivy decided to make her presence known so she popped up out of my robes scaring everyone. She yelled, right in my ear, "hiss he's my hatchling not yours!!".

"did you really just say hiss?" I somehow manage to laugh out. Orion gasps. Oops, I forgot he doesn't know that I'm a big evil parselmouth. At this rate I might as well tell everyone I can to talk to these beautiful creatures. After like 5 minutes, Orion started to function again. Fred pulled out a bottle of butterbeer and a potion, downed the whole bottle in one and then smirked. "let's play a game!!!" ...

Meanwhile Salazar was staring amusingly at the now rainbow little snakes. 'Oh, I do believe this year will be fun' he thought, smirking.

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