My Blue Eyed Angel

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I'll be honest with you I'm not prefect in any way but, I try to do what's right. See I dated all different kinds of man. Some made promise, some cheated, used drugs, drank a lot, used me, beat me, and just dragged me down. I always thought if I tried hard, said or did the right things  they would change. I would wait. Thru all that waiting I lost family, friends, children, jobs, homes, cars and almost lost my life as well. I went back to the one that made me lose it all hoping he would change but he never did. I was working hard to build my life back up. When this handsome, bright smiling, sky blue eyed man walked in to my work. I knew that I wanted him in my life. He became a friend and kept telling me to leave before my boyfriend Killed me. He was right my boyfriend beat me so bad that I end up with a concussion. So, I did what was right for me and my kids. I got my own place. Blue eyes and I start talking more. All we wanted at first was friendship because I just got out of a bad one and he wanted a friend not a friend with benefits. After several months of talking and getting to know each other we went on our first date. It was incredible the way he was treating me and be a gentleman. Never doing anything inappropriate  with out asking me first. This Blue eyed man was stilling my heart fast with me watching him do it. When It came to my kids he was great treating them like they were his. My children liked him too but the loved his family more at first. He won us all over when he asked me to marry him. See I have never been married before. Anyways on with the story I still believe even to this day that blue eye man was sent to me from heaven above because He saved me and he shows me every day in his on way how much he loves me. I never would have gotten that chance if it was for god from above leading us to each other. I want to say that even when things seem bad don't give up god is always there for you. I love you with all my heart always Jon!

Blue eyed ANGELWhere stories live. Discover now